As promised, I selected just 24 photos to represent the year, and hit every month except for April and September, I think. Click any to embiggen at Flickr.
Let's see if I can get one of those new-fangled LJ Collapse things to work...
Drumlin Farm in a snowstorm in January:
Rare cat detente on my lap, January:
Beach in Ship Bottom, Long Beach Island, NJ, in February:
Morgan's rare use of the cat-bed, March:
Antiquing in New Hampshire, you come across occasional WTFery. Here, a gilded glass elephant-themed punch bowl set? Fancy! March.
Spring! On the back roads of Weston MA, May:
On the drive down from the summit of Mt. Washington, NH, May:
A visit to the Museum of Natural History in New York City, June:
The US Coast Guard cutter "Eagle" passes the USS Constitution on the latter's 200th anniversary turnaround cruise, July 4:
Sometimes a woodchuck has to take a break from chucking, and greet arriving wildlife care volunteers; July:
Lovely meadow in August (compare to first photo):
1000th saw-whet owl banded! (by these two ladies, specifically) October:
A walk in the woods in Weston, MA; October:
Saw-whet owl banding (looking at age of feathers on wings), October:
Lake Tiorati, Harriman State Park, NY, October:
Male (left) and female (right) saw-whet owls, November:
Purgatory Chasm, MA - just a little ramble, November:
Purgatory Chasm wall, November:
Thanksgiving! At the Colonial Inn in Concord MA, with Bill and Jeff:
A little holiday cheer in the office, December:
Beach in Ship Bottom, Long Beach Island NJ, post-Sandy, December (compare to photo further up):
The dunes that held. (Not entirely fair, this is after the township has come and bulldozed the sand cliff the storm created, so as to create new dunes. But that was their height before, and still is. What you can see still boarded up there is the THIRD storey of a house. Beyond that is another 3-story house, and then my Mom's, which was undamaged by the storm.
Snowstorm on Dec. 29th, in Waltham MA. (I really hated driving back from NY through this thing.)
Emily is so glad I'm home. New Year's Eve.