i knew you of all people would appreciate it! you know...i was just thinking about it, and thinking about a shitty situation i'm having with a friend right now, and it's actually making me really emotional. maybe it's the endorphins or whatever was released from getting work done for 2 hours. but i really think this card goes really deep with me.
thanks! i'm so incredibly happy with it...jason is now my tattoo artist for life. he is seriously talented! and the color he does is always super vibrant...better than most every other i've seen. i'm so excited! i'll be getting the color after i get back from philly/nyc. otherwise i'd be getting it right before i leave on my trip up north and i don't really want to have to deal with a healing tattoo while i'm traveling, ya know?
hmmm....you just tell me when you wanna come and i'll tell you if it works for me. i'm pretty open. the only thing i have coming up is a wedding to go to in vegas but they haven't set the date...it'll either be in june or july. but you should come sooner than that. i miss you and i really, truly need the company of an old friend. let me know.
two of hearts two hearts that beat as oneredtigerstripesFebruary 8 2006, 06:09:26 UTC
hey nice tattoo, wanna fuck? hahaha. i miss you. and i really do think that the beginning of your three of swords looks damn fine. i hope we can talk sometime if you like.
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