I'm back on LJ after a significant amount of time away. I just didn't seem to have the energy for it. It became a bit overwhelming at the time because I was overworking myself as usual. I missed all of you a lot though.
Last semester was basically composed of school and work. I worked mornings at the daycare and the afternoons at Gymboree. I did some work with the Special Education Students Association, gathering resources for their library.
Speaking of special needs, I got my official diagnosis for my ADHD, finally. I knew all my life that I had it but I was never diagnosed. I'm not sure if it would have helped at all if I had been. I think it would have affected my schooling but I don't know if it would have been in a positive way. It might have held me back in grade school. It helps now in University though. I get extra time on my exams. That reminds me, I need to talk to the Specialized Support and Disability Services (SSDS) people and make an appointment. Things were kind of rushed last semester, I didn't get my diagnosis until November so there wasn't a lot of time to set up any accommodations before finals. I need to make an appointment and get everything in order for this semester. I'm on medication now. It actually really helps. I can tune people out and concentrate for longer. It also reduces my anxiety, which is nice.
I quit my second job in December. So I am only working at the daycare this semester, but for more hours, which is still less hours than I was working last semester. The hours are also better, I work early mornings and in the afternoons so I have evenings and weekends free. In other words, I can have a social life again! Whoo! I've only got classes on Mondays and Wednesdays so I can volunteer a couple of hours here and there at the Special Education Students Association (SESA) and the Education Students Association (ESA) during the days I have off.
I'm only taking three classes this semester: Social Studies, Art and Consultation and Collaboration in Special Needs (which shall henceforth be referred to as EDPY456 because that is a mouthful and I am lazy). Art is the one I am most excited about. It looks like it is going to be a lot of work but the kind of work that I enjoy. Social Studies apparently has a final project of death doom and destruction so I am glad that I only have three courses. I haven't gone to my EDPY456 class yet, that's in about an hour or so. I don't know what it's going to be like yet. I will have to let you know.
One of my New Year's Resolutions is to update this thing more often. I will try to do it at least once a week. Some of you might have to poke me into action on occasion though. :P
Music| Rise Against ~ Audience of One
Location| On Campus
Currently Reading| A Dirty Job ~ Christopher Moore