[Edit: New layout!]Today has been a good day. I don't know why exactly--nothing spectacular happened. (But I do admit that little things excite me
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While on the way to a Thai restaurant (♥Thai pride!), I was talking to my family from the passenger side. My father said that I had been talking roughly lately. He said I would mess my voice up if I kept clutching the air at my throat
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5 people have come to my house trick-o-treating so far. FIVE. That's 5 more than last year! They don't know it, but that means so much to me because today has been a bad day, a terrible Halloween (which is a shame because I love the holiday), and people actually coming to my house for treats makes me so happy. Of course I gave them huge bags of
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"Remember that perfect day and hearts were handed out?" Why do I feel like somebody dangled a heart in front of me and then whipped it away, saying, "Psyche!"?