I just got these in an e-mail from Amazon, and I thought some of you might like seeing what you can get for $1-2 on your Kindle. I'll put it behind a cut for those who don't want a wall of text:
The Ultimate Weird Tales Collection: 133 Clark Ashton Smith stories. According to the reviews, it's actually 132, but still, that's a lot of story for that price. Smith was probably the best writer of the Three Weird Musketeers (the others being Lovecraft and Bob Howard), and he certainly had the most lush description. His prose was never merely purple, but amethyst and gold and crimson surrounded by an ebon darkness. Seriously, he was a great writer and this is a great buy.
The Collected Works of William Hope Hodgson, the Unexpurgated Edition. Another of the great horror and fantasy writers of the past, Hodgson created some truly epic horror-adventure stories. This set alone has The House on the Borderland, Carnacki the Ghost Finder, The Ghost Pirates, the Night Land, and what is easily my personal favorite, The Boats of the 'Glen Carrig', which almost reads like a classic heroic fantasy novel with all its weird monsters and lands that the lost seafarers stumble across. Hodgson was a major influence on Lovecraft and if you read these stories you'll see why.
The Cthulhu Mythos Megapack. This contains 40 of tales of Lovecraft's eerie monsters and dread tomes. Several are from old Ech-Pi-Ell himself, with others from a multitude of fans and collaborators. Best of all its only a buck; it's hard to go wrong at that price.
Free Science Fiction Books On Kindle: Linked List of over 350 Free SciFi Classic Stories And Early Fantasy Novels. Pretty much what it says, a list of several hundred FREE sf and fantasy novels that are apparently mostly out of print. I'd say that 350 forgotten treasures of classic SF and fantasy are well worth a dollar, wouldn't you?
The Occult Detective Megapack:29 classic stories. Again, just what it says. A collection of stories from the occult detective sub-genre, ranging from authors I've never heard of to old favorites like Howard, Seabury Quinn's Jules de Grandin, and Manly Wade Wellman's John Thunstone. And again it's hard to go wrong for an asking price of a dollar. I admit that I'd prefer a collection of all Quinn's de Grandin tales by itself, but until then this will do very nicely.
I hope that list gives someone some titles they'd like to read. If you don't have Kindle Amazon provides it free of charge, and it works great for me. They also offer other cheap megapacks of authors like Edmond Hamilton, Ray Cummings, Andre Norton, and more, though admittedly sometimes with their lesser works. Still for some of these writers this is probably the only way their work will ever see reprint outside of highly expensive (and hard to find) small press releases.
Best all!