Situation Room: Worms

Aug 06, 2010 23:05


Immeraus, seat of the Warden and strangely placed citadel of no real strategic value. It's in this mighty stone structure that Eric waits for the rangers he summoned. A large table currently holds maps, each neatly pinned down by a small weight. He has figures on the maps, little things to indicate troop placement, permanent structures and so forth. He looks down at his work and smiles, for it is good.

Zurian shuffles in. A good thirty pounds of extra weight is evenly distributed about his person. He may be seen to scratch his chain while looking about after entry.

Lawrence enters, surveying the stone room. He casts a glance at the maps, perhaps counting, and moves silently to the table.

Blue eyes look up, a nod given from Eric to Lawrence first and Zurian second. "We've been invaded," he says without preamble. One strong finger taps a spot on the map, currently denoted with a carving of knotted...snakes? Eric's smile does not fade, it only grows arrogant.

"Nice to come home to," Lawrence says, referring to his recent excursion in shadow. His voice is mostly deadpan. He studies the map.

Zurian's expression in in neutral contrast to Eric's; not quite blank, though there's often an impression the son of Julian is a little out of focus.. like he's both here and elsewhere at once. As is typical, Zur is also quiet as he steps in after Lawrence, also looking to the maps, his cousin, and then to Eric upon whom his attention stays attentive.

Eric smirks. "You did not need to be bored." He steps back from the table so the other two can look closer at the recently updated map. Arden maps always change. "They are the wormriders of slaugh, and they were here before. I thought Julian took care of them, but clearly his declarations of extermination were premature."

Lawrence is studying the map quite intently, picking out old landmarks and working from there. "When?" he asks, ignoring the comment on Julian. "And how many?"

Zurian shifts his attention between the aforementioned maps and the two others, though Eric primarily. close to a week's growth of whiskers makes his jaw itchy and he again rubs at it. "So?" This is directed to the Warden. "They can die again."

"They've been there for a few months," Eric says. "I want more recent intel on them. They'll be riding large grub worms, their hair will be maggoty and their skin pallid. They are fierce, and they regenerate better than a weir. Don't engage, but scout." He looks to Lawrence. "Your mission." To Zurian, "You'll be second. Take no more than a dozen men. Do not get caught."

Privately, to Eric, Zurian meets your gaze with a definite *look* after the Julian quip. 'When did /you/ become infallible?' it may seem to question.

Zurian spends another several seconds looking to maps before stepping back. With the motion is a nod to Eric.

Lawrence grimaces, just a moment, and then his mouth curves up into a slight smile. "A decent challenge," he says, sounding genuinely happy to be stalking maggoty grub-riders. Then he gets back to business, and queries, "Who found them first?"

"They accosted travelers in Arden. Ladies Miranda and Emma Feldane among them. They worked for Bleys, once, and may still do so." Eric's smile takes on a colder edge, no less arrogant. "But they're in the wrong place for survival, eh?"

Lawrence smiles, the smile sufficing for a "Yes, quite." "Scouting, then," he says. "Is there a deadline?"

Zurian checks his supplies, patting at pouches and packs and knowing their contents by the feel through material. He's a pace or two behind Lawrence, listening while the Captain and Warden go over particulars.

Eric lifts his brows. "I suggest you leave in the morning. If it takes longer than a week to get there, get the intel and get back..." The sentence trails off, the implications dire to one's health.

Lawrence's smile fades away. "Estimated strength of the worm-riders, and any other need-to-knows?"

Eric shrugs. "That's what you're going to find out."

Lawrence nods, half-turning from the table to think. "Understood," he says simply.

Zurian murmurs, "Bleys," and a pause follows. He sends Eric a questioning look before speaking again a little louder. "Has anyone given te Prince an eviction notice?"

Eric grins. "And possibly make him soil his garments with moving? Never."

Lawrence glances between the two, but says nothing. He draws the map a little closer and begins to slowly trace the lines with one finger.

Zurian looks a little nonplussed, though says nothing more to that.

Eric glances at the map once more before striding out of the room.

zurian, lawrence, wormriders, bleys, worms, worm riders, julian, arden, slaagh

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