I can't remember how to put a cut on this thing. If someone tells me in the comments, I'll fix it so as not to run your friends page ragged!
UPDATE: Thanks
redaragorn for showing me how to cut. So yeah go
1) What’s the last thing you put in your mouth?
2) Have you ever kissed anyone named Matt?
Yes. I was so in love with him, crazy infatuated. I still think about him often.
2a) Have you ever kissed anyone named Matilda?
3) What does your last text message say?
"Itd be cool to obliterate a mermaid or dosoctopus (16 legs) or maybe a seahorse with an arrow or shotgun shell while navigating a coral ropes course...polly not though."
4) What was the last song you listened to?
"Flume," Bon Iver
5) If you hated someone and got put in charge of their funeral music, what would it be?
6) What did you do yesterday?
Woke up early. Drank coffee with my man, carpooled with my man. Socialized at work. Went home. Took a bike ride instead of a long run. Had a beer. Went to bed.
7) What did you dream about?
I think I dreamed about running. I think I dreamed that I woke up and was instantly in shape, without all this stupid hard work.
8) Pick a scar on your body - what did you do?
On both my elbows I've got long dark scars. We were having a piggy back race (but we were on our partner's shoulders) when I was like 12 and the fat girl from up the street ran and tripped my partner and I went flying. I landed in gravel.
9 and 10 were missing. I would make some new questions up but I'm already wasting more time than I should on this thing.
11) Last time you cried?
I cried uh, about 10 days ago in Boston. It was an emotional trip, leading to my decision not to play in the Nationals. I don't think I can handle tournament scrabble right now.
12) Who’s your most religious friend?
Don't really have religious friends.
13) Who do you trust with your life?
The universe. Que sera sera, whatever will be, will be.
14) If you could change your name to anything what would it be?
I like my boring name. It disguises my outrageous naature.
15) What would you do if someone told you that you were the most beautiful handsome person in the world and they would do anything to wake up to your face each and every morning?
hit the alarm clock and get up to shower.
I don't know where 16 went.
17) Do you trust all of your friends?
18) Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love?
I've already done it!
19) Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
Sure do.
20) What are two things you would N0T tolerate in a relationship?
Violence and lying.
21) Which one of your top friends do you think would make the best prostitute?
Wow! What a question.
22) Who is the nicest person you know?
Brett's wife, Katie.
23) What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future?
Complete an adventure race.
28) If you were to wake up from being in a coma for an extended time who would you call?
681-BUGS. That's my mommy's number and everytime the cicadas would arrive, people would call because the cicada hotline was 618-BUGS.
29) Would you make a good parent?
Yes, I think so. Once I get some of my childish antics out of the way.
30) Where was your default picture taken?
In the South Park generator.
31) Honestly, what’s on your mind right now?
Getting in shape.
32) Who knows you the best?
My twin sister Veronica, my best friends Tati and Isalia.
33) When is the last time you truly liked someone?
This morning when I rolled over in bed.
34) What are your plans for the weekend?
Kid's birthday parting, running shoe shopping, backpack equipment inventory, long bike ride at Waterfall Glen.
37) What’s your favorite saying?
"Fuck balls."
39) Have you ever punched a tree?
40) Have you ever snuck out of your house/someone in your house?
Yes. When I was younger my mother worked 2 jobs during the summertime and we weren't allowed to have people over. We'd sneak people in and when we saw her car pull up, we'd sneak them out the back door.
41) How would you describe your relationship with your best friend?
At this point, it's a psychic relationship because I've been terrible with calls and emails.
42) Morning or night person?
Morning. I'm nomally asleep by 9:30.
43) Are you there for your friends?
I try to be. But I must admit, I'm not there as much as I should be. This codependent thing takes up a lot of time.
44) Do you like to spend time with people?
46) Are you a forgiving person?
47) Would you ever share a girl/boyfriend with your best friend?
NO!!! Recipe for disaster!
48) Have you lost a friend recently?
Not really.
49) Are you talking to someone while doing this? Who?
Just myself. Muttering. Muttering.
50) Do you want a relationship right now?
Sure. I have one. But sometimes solitude is nice, isn't it?