Author: Ericadawn16
Characters: Jack, River, Amy, Rory, Tabetha, Johnny, Rhi, surprise guests Rory/Amy Jack/Ianto
Rated: PG-13 Big Bang Spoilers AU
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: The reset changed more than they thought.
Author's Note: Yes, it's a fix-it fic. I promised
rakushi a long, long time ago and finally, here it is...
A Wedding in Leadworth
Jack wasn't sure what to make of it. A very, very old acquaintance had invited him to a wedding and in Leadworth of all places. Torchwood could do with one day without him. Then, he saw her hair although he hadn't seen it blonde before.
"River, this is a surprise," Jack said with a smile and kissed her without hesitation. She kissed back for a bit before pulling away.
" is Jack at the moment, yes?" she asked, possibly due to his facial expression. He had never heard her call him that especially since she knew his real name. He nodded. "It's been years."
"Longer than that," Jack corrected her. It had been a lot longer than that: centuries even.
"Maybe for you, but time seems to be relative around the Doctor, doesn't it?" River asked and didn't really wait for him to answer. "Even when it's all put right again, there are changes left behind."
"You've been spending too much time with him. You're starting to sound alike," Jack half-complained.
"Oh, am I now?" River questioned and took his hand. "Come on, it's time for you to meet someone. Quite overdue."
He looked at the bride and groom. They were already talking with several guests, including one young man who caused him to look again. He seemed familiar somehow.
"They appear busy," Jack pointed out.
"All the more reason to go over there," she said and tugged on his hand.
Amy looked at Rory and he gave her a little smile. Just a little while more and they'd leave although the Doctor did seem to be enjoying himself.
"Mum, why don't you go dance with dad?" she suggested because she hated her mum hovering like that.
"It feels like I hardly know any of Rory's family. I want to know what stock he's from if my grandchildren are going to share it," the older woman replied and Amy tried not to roll her eyes. Children could come later, much later.
"Like that tall bloke there, how's he related?" her mum asked and pointed. Amy moved her finger down.
"That's Johnny's brother in law," Amy explained although today was the first time she'd seen him in person. After a blank look, she added, "Johnny's Rory's cousin."
"My aunt and uncle took him in after his dad threw him out," Rory spoke and shook his head.
"Why did his father do that?" her mum asked.
"Caught him kissing a boy from his year," Rory answered.
"Shameful, we would never have done that to you, Amy, if you had turned out that way," she said and Johnny nodded in their direction. She hoped they hadn't heard any of that. Then, the three were coming over.
"Johnny!" Rory greeted.
"Rory!" Johnny greeted back.
"You know Amy, but this is Tabetha, her mum. Tabetha, this is Johnny, his wife, Rhi and..."
As he said the last few words of that introduction, a child began to wail very loudly.
"See, biting isn't very fun, now is it?" the Doctor's lips seemed to say.
"Did he just bite that little boy?" her mum asked and kept her mouth open in surprise. A retort was on the tip of Amy's tongue, but instead, she suggested, "You should go investigate. Go."
"Yes," she agreed and started to walk over there although not before turning back to the group, "and you, young man, we have a gay at work. I'll set the two of you up."
Amy cringed and he looked uncomfortable.
"Well, you aren't seeing anyone, might as well," Rhi spoke.
"Amy, Rory, thank you," River said and her look lingered on Amy. Amy didn't want to think what things would have been like if she hadn't remembered. River was holding the hand of a handsome man that Amy had never seen before. "This is..."
"Captain Jack Harkness," he said and stuck out his hand. His identity should have been guessed by the RAF coat. She took the offered hand, saying, "Oh, I've heard all about you from the Doctor."
"Warned us, more like," Rory added and also shook his hand.
"Well, then..." Jack started before staring. "Do I know you?"
"Don't believe so, but..." the young man sounded unsure and added, "Jones. Ianto Jones."
Rhi was snickering but Amy doubted the two men even remembered anyone else in the room.
"Do you want to dance?" Jack asked.
"Yeah," Ianto agreed and they walked away. Then, Amy realised that the Doctor and River had disappeared.
"Come on," Amy said and took Rory's hand, "time for the rest of our lives."
"Ever been to London?" Jack asked Ianto who shook his head. His eyes were so blue.
"This is the first I've left Wales," he explained and Jack couldn't understand it. To him, it felt like he had known the man for years. His thoughts were interrupted by a kiss. It was a kiss that was absolutely perfect, just the way he liked everything. They both pulled away in shock. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been kissed like that.
"I...I don't know why I did that, felt like I had to," Ianto apologized.
"I'm glad you did," Jack uttered and after a moment, offered, "I could get us a room."
"Let's go," Ianto agreed.