What size is your bed?: Full
Is your floor carpeted?: Nope, wood
If so, what color is it?:
Do you have posters on your walls? Of what?: Nope
Do you keep your room clean, or is there junk all over the floor?: It's clean right now... but not usually
Are you allowed to eat in your room?: I don't really know.. I usually eat in the kitchen anyway
How many times a day do you brush your teeth?: two usually
Do you take a shower daily?: yes
Do you wear perfume/cologne?: yeah or like body spray
Do you wear deodorant?: yes
Do you go outside often?: yes
Is your lawn green or brown?: The grass we have is green... but we don't have much
Do you have a patio in the back?: nope
Do you have a one or two (or more) car garage?: I guess it could fit two.. if you consider it a garage
How many trees are in your yard?: Way to many to count
Are you male or female?: Female
Are you sure?: 100 percent
Do you have any piercings?: my ears
Are you single or married?: single
Do you like your name?: I guess so
Do you like lotion? Chapstick?: yes!
Do you shave your legs?: yes
[ MISC. ]
Is the sky really blue, or is it white with blue clouds?: it's really blue
Did that last question confuse you?: nope
Do you eat chocolate often?: yes
Do you have a job?: I'm babysitting this summer... I think that counts
Do you like it?: sure
Why or why not?: umm because it's pretty easy and pretty fun and the kids are cute
Is your computer slow?: Not anymore
Have you ever wondered why there is bark on trees?: Nope
When you kick a tree, does it bruise the tree?: I haven't kicked to many tree's in my lifetime so I don't know
Why do cats cover their poop and such?: becausethey have to "cover there tracks"
What do you hear right now?: my mom emptying the dishwasher
What do you smell right now?: the air..
Are you alone in the room?: yes
Are you at home?: yes.