quote of the day

Feb 26, 2006 21:19

"No wonder the Stanford A team is so fucking good - they're getting fed by these guys ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

lomsak February 27 2006, 06:24:27 UTC
don't let it get to you, Claremont guys are pretty much all assholes.


angelmab686 February 27 2006, 06:25:20 UTC
man claremont people are so witty!


clumzee_amee February 27 2006, 08:16:09 UTC
ericl234 February 27 2006, 19:16:24 UTC
i hopefully will be, yeah. the hiring freeze they have on right now is a litle worrisome, but we'll see. i'll probably be in systems development at JF5 - we have a family friend who's a manager there, and im slated to work with an automation engineer under him on better dynamic modulation of fan speed to decrease noise.


angelmab686 February 27 2006, 08:57:53 UTC
sorry i realize sarcasm might not relate well on the internet. boo whoever said that. they're probably really lame anyway.


ericl234 February 27 2006, 19:29:24 UTC
obviously, this was not clear, and for that i apologize, but that guy was serious when he said that - he was actually complimenting us. people don't usually respect B teams, because they tend to be a bunch of scrubs who aren't athletic or whatever (otherwise they would have made the A team). we, however, are more than your average bunch-of-scrubs, so people tend to learn to respect us the hard way.


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