I have a job working for MBS, a janitorial company. The job's not that bad, really, but I'm going on week 2 of not having recieved my second paycheck. And I must say, if this happens again, I'm either going to quit or just not work until I'm paid.
I have a whopping $10 + in my checking and another 11 or so in cash at home. All because when I went in to pick my check up someone decided to 'mail' it to me. I even saw the mailed note printed by the printer next to my name. Guess what; it never showed up. I was told if I still didn't have it by Wed, Nov 2 I should call in and let them know. So I called in just now to find out that the secretary WAS LOOKING RIGHT AT IT AS WE SPOKE. As in it was NEVER mailed.
I went a fucking WEEK with my cash running out waiting for a peice of mail that was NEVER SENT OUT. So I get to drive down to Portland AGAIN tomorrow to get it.
I'm getting direct deposit ASAP. I know that. I also know if I get the runaround either when I get there or with my next paycheck (coming to me on the 10, no less), I am NOT leaving without it. And if it's bad enough, I'll collect that paycheck and whatever else I'm owed from this pay period and I'm GONE. DONE. I will NOT work for someone who can't keep their face out of their ass long enough to pay me.
And on a slightly lighter note, I have a desktop computor at home now. I FINALLY got XP loaded on it last night (yey!), so all I have to do now is load up Office XP and get that stuff back to Gramma. Then I wait for Marsh's dad and new stepmom (James and Sandy got married recently) to head out for Mexico and then I can move in with my best friend for HOPEFULLY a week of relative relaxation... even though I still have to go to work. But hey, he's getting DSL right before they leave, so I'll just bring my tower along, hook 'er up to his broadband connection, and download everything I need at once. Might as well, it beats loading a free AOhelL disk to my computor just to get PPC's software on it.
The reason this is only slightly lighter than my paycheck problem is because Gramma has decided that if I decide I don't want MY laptop, I need to give it back to her. The thing's been mine for four fucking YEARS. I'm keeping it, and if I don't, I'm going to do whatever the hell I want with it - which is most likely to take it apart and see how it works. XD Either way, it's mine, and she has no say nor any right to tell me what to do with my old laptop. It was a GIFT, therefor it's MINE.
I'm getting really sick of being forced to fight for the shit that's mine. My money and my laptop. It's MINE. BACK OFF. Rar.
...So how's your month been going? =D
(BTW: Halloween wasn't a blast - I was going to school and buying/setting up my computor. Only to find out I can't even get online with it. D=)