Sweetheart the sad thing is you have to look at the world. Look at people's everyday habits. Even your closest of friends. Do they hold the door open for someone? Maybe get out of their way to open it for someone in a wheelchair or an elderly woman who can't walk as well. Maybe when driving... do these people stop so someone can turn out of a parking lot when there's a red light up ahead. Do those people appreciate a little gesture and wave back in appreciation? Do you smile at people? Or do you just glare? No one in this world is out to make other's happy. Not even in their jobs in what they are paid to do. I don't know how many restaurants I go to, and you never get a smile from a server. No one's out to make anyone feel warm... None at all. It's a sad world we live in, yet for some reason the ideal lifestyle is to be "cool". I don't think benevolency falls in that category, and if it did.... it's there for all the wrong reasons.
I know, it's really depressing if you think about it too much. And there isn't much you can do to directly affect how others think or act. But I guess the point of this wasn't so much trying to figure out why people don't do that. More, why I don't do it. All of the problems I see with the world, I should fix in myself, and possibly some of those closest to me. It all gets summed up by what Ghandi said. "You must be the change you want to see in the world." Almost everything I write is aimed at myself more than anyone else. And hopefuly through bettering myself I can become the change I want to see in the world.
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