A remake of the 1984 film "Red Dawn," about a Midwestern town that gets invaded by the Russian army, will be filmed in Michigan starting Sept. 8. The film's production team is now putting out calls for extras and crew members.
Cabela's bison burgers are awesome, even when they've been sitting in a food warmer for however long. Also, it's nice that Cabela's had the tent poles we need, while Gander Mountain told us to get rid of the tent and buy a new one. Over one tent pole? Yeah right.
Lately at work we've been playing games at lunch in the meeting rooms, which is nice because they're set up for that kind of thing. Yesterday was Chez Geek, today was Management Material. Tomorrow may bring Fluxx, or sushi if we decide to go out.
That's one of the advantages to hiring a bunch of geek programmers. :)
The common security club model was born out of work done in the last few years by people struggling with overwhelming indebtedness. Its participants experiment with ways to make practical, political, and spiritual changes
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