(no subject)

Aug 21, 2005 20:15

challenge no. 24:

this twenty-fourth challenge is another color challenge; however, instead of one color, your icon must embody three distinct colors. for example, in potoicontest, we did red, white & blue. any three colors will suffice, but i'd appreciate it if, when submitting your entry, you tell me what colors you were going for.

+ you may submit up to two icons.
+ please do not post your icon anywhere until winners are announced.
+ gradients/brushes/text, etc. = OK; however, no animation.
+ please post the icon and the url.

+ if you have any questions, comment and i'll get back to you as soon as possible.

+ the deadline is friday, august 26th at 12pm EST.
+ please comment on this post with your entry/entries.
+ have fun :)

entries: 12
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