Tell me when you see it!

May 06, 2006 15:25

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Comments 27

zerick May 6 2006, 20:54:54 UTC
Hey sexy ( ... )


kaokame May 6 2006, 21:03:29 UTC
The little girl in the movie (the reaper) reminded me of you Del =)


zerick May 6 2006, 21:43:52 UTC
omg you're the 3rd person who told me that !!! XD ! David ( mercurial_realm ) and Kevin totally thought so too ! O.O
That's scary ! She rocked though lol, I wish I could find a pic of her somewhere, since I re-dyed my hair back to my natural black ( no blueness anymore ! ) the likeness is even scarrier O.O

BTW, I rented "Pumping Iron" this week LOL!! :-p Kev and I hope to get as much muscles as him one day, actually only 10% of his muscles wouldn't be bad ! XD
We've been trainning for 1 month and we're mysteriously discovering some new body parts O____________O

*wish to be an oiled barbarian*


kaokame May 6 2006, 21:50:28 UTC
I know what you mean! I have new muscles popping up all over, LOL!

I workout 6 times a week! it is my favorite thing to do =)


kaokame May 6 2006, 21:04:49 UTC
I'm wanna see "Mission Impossible 3" a little more, but I would still like to see "An American Haunting" =)


kaokame May 6 2006, 21:08:13 UTC
Yup yup wanna see MI3 too! The man is a little nutty but his MI movies are well done!


erikasfriends May 6 2006, 21:08:58 UTC
That was me :)


kaokame May 6 2006, 21:57:32 UTC
He is a bit of a nut, but gosh so are a lot of people. At least he is we think.


sweetkisses13 May 8 2006, 00:57:28 UTC
If you see this movie before me let me know if it is any good. By the way, I'm Jessica. I added you to my friends list. I once bought a piece of your artwork from ebay. =)


erikasfriends May 9 2006, 04:23:39 UTC
Hi Jessica! I've added you...hmm I think I remember our conversation..didn't I tell you people call me Jessica? Umm...did I also say I'd send you a Christmas card or we'd trade? I hope not lol I haven't even completed my Xmas cards >_


sweetkisses13 May 9 2006, 04:53:51 UTC
Hey! Thank you. Yeah, that was me. I am pretty sure we were supposed to trade Christmas cards. I'm pretty sure I sent one too you. I understand that you never finished yours.


erikasfriends May 9 2006, 05:42:19 UTC
I'm so bad!!! I hope you really understand, I think I only got out 8 of 50 I was supposed to send out :(
You know? I don't remember getting yours which I'm pretty sure I didn't because then I'd really feel guilty! I hope it wasn't home made? :(


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