Okay, so now that I've watched last night's Glee episode two more times (yes, I have a problem. I'm going to an support group meeting later), I think I can coherently give my thoughts on it.
First, I know nothing about mono. In fact, the only thing I do know is that Mallory from the Babysitter's Club book series caught it. In said book, she was out of school for months. Is this a true fact? I know it wears the person out and they feel like they just have a really bad flu. But does it really take months to get it out of your system? Because, if so, that would mean Finn and Quinn are out for the rest of the season. Which I'm kind of okay with.
Okay, now with that out of the way I'm going to do the rest of my reaction separated by couple, because this was a really couple-y episode.
Kurt/Blaine - I loved, loved, loved this episode for these two. And it wasn't because they were all adorable and flirty like they've been since Darren Criss started the show. It was because we saw development in their relationship and in their characters.
First, Kurt. I think he's starting to become comfortable with Dalton. He seemed less awkward in the emergency Warbler meeting and more at ease when performing with the group at the end of the episode. And we also saw how much he has changed not only since the beginning of this season, but from where he was a year ago. He finds out the guy he has fallen for isn't in love with him (and spent time actually believing that Blaine was in love with him) and that in fact, it had all kind of happened in his head. So what does he do? He doesn't scheme, he doesn't plan, he just realizes that (once again) the guy he likes doesn't like him and instead of wallowing in pity he is a friend for Blaine. It doesn't mean he's happy about helping Blaine serenade Carrot Top's offspring Jeremiah, but he does it anyway. And he waits with Blaine after, he supports him and when he realizes Blaine is to Jeremiah what he is to Blaine, he lays it all out there. He tells Blaine what he had assumed and leaves it to Blaine to figure out what to do with it. He's grown so much. He's not the same kid who tried to sabotage Rachel or crossed the line with Finn or even tried to go after Sam.
As for Blaine, I really liked seeing this side of him. I call it his "Glee" side. I don't know if it was due to the writing, the situation or just seeing a more adolescent side of Blaine, but he finally felt like a character on "Glee" and not just the really charming guy who happens to be on "Glee." And he finally acted his age for the first time since he came on the show. When Jeremiah told him if they were dating it would be illegal since he was underage I actually was confused because I forgot he was only supposed to be 16/17. He acted a lot like Kurt used to and I liked it. I liked this uncomfortable, awkward and unsure side of him. I like that Blaine isn't perfect and I think Kurt does too.
My only problem with these two is I'm not sure where they stand now, and I'm not sure if it's just me. Their second conversation in the coffee house left me confused: are they friends who realize they may have (or may develop) feelings for each other, or are they just ignoring the fact that Kurt likes/liked Blaine and Blaine "cares" for Kurt. Cares for him how? As a friend? As potentially something more?
It doesn't help that they were totally flirting throughout "Silly Love Songs." I also loved that number because it felt more like the cast just hanging out than the characters. You could tell that it was probably more being themselves than acting with their reactions to each other. And whatever friendship Telly Leung and Naya Rivera have has officially spawned a a love for Wes/Santana.
(I swear, the rest probably won't be this long)
Quinn/Sam/Rachel/Finn - I group these four together because really, it's ridiculous. While I love seeing this confident, seductive and frankly darker side of Finn, I hate him at the same time. I'm glad that Quinn pointed out that by cheating on Sam with Finn, they were doing exactly what Quinn and Rachel had done to him (not together, of course, though some people wish it were so). Honestly, I forget his answer to that because at that point my brain just starts screaming "HYPOCRITE!!!" over and over until the scene ends. Though, I have to say that scene with Diana and Corey was really, really well-acted by them both.
As for Sam, I feel sorry for him. Mainly because the writers dropped whatever characterization they had for him in the beginning (I miss nerdy!Sam so so much) and have made him just another run-of-the-mill jock who can sing. And apparently is unable to resist Santana's charms, just like the rest of them. It just makes me so frustrated that Sam and Quinn are breaking up because Ryan Murphy "got bored." I'm not a fan of them, but the fact he treats the characters he created with so little respect just wants me to show him the same. I always say that the mark of a good writer is one who treats their characters as actual people. That way you don't just do whatever you want with them. You don't subject them to your whims. Sadly, that sort of writing (making your characters playthings for you own amusement) is what "Glee" writing is based on. Not continuity and, until this week, not character development.
Sorry. Didn't mean to go on a rant. I really did love this episode! Let us continue.
Santana - I actually liked her in this episode. We got to see that sure, she's a bitch, but I believe it's a defense mechanism. She probably doesn't have a great family life and at this point in her high school career everyone thinks she's a slut. And she probably doesn't have the guts to try and change that image. So when they all attack her and show to her how mean she is, she just can't take it. It's just another disappointment to herself. And while I think the Sam/Santana pairing is very contrived, I am interested to see if Sam's down-to-earth nature (that he used to have and I think might still be there) will smooth some of her rough edges.
Mike/Tina/Artie/Brittany - I group them together because, well, it's just easier. Frankly, there wasn't a lot happening with these two couples. The Mike/Artie friendship is awesome, especially given that Kevin and Harry are probably the best male dancers in the cast. It was nice to see them hang out since in "Special Education" Artie though Mike was cheating with Brittany. I'm also curious about what Tina's breakdown means for the Tina/Mike relationship. He looked very uncomfortable (as did everyone else) by her show of emotions and I think that she might be more into this relationship than him. But time will tell.
Lauren/Puck - I can't believe I forgot them! Especially since I am so in love with Lauren. She is amazing and at the beginning of the episode I was afraid she was just going to be another stereotypical fat girl who eats alot and falls at the feet of the first guy who pays her any attention. Thank goodness RM gave her more self-respect than that. She's tough, she doesn't need anyone and she doesn't have a problem with throwing it down if need be. That doesn't mean, however, that she doesn't want anyone. In that small laugh she gives when Puck tells her they're going to be "macking it" on Valentine's Day was a small crack in her wall showing us not only does she like Puck, but she likes the attention he's giving her. But, as we see through the episode, she's not going to make it easy for him. She's protecting herself because she knows what he's like.
And I think this resistance she's giving Puck is actually helping him. I have a huge theory on Puck's character and his development throughout the series, but that's for another post. Let's just say I think Lauren is very good for him. She won't let him charm her into anything and he needs that. He needs someone who won't let him slide, but will still give him affection (from what little we know about his mother I'm confident in thinking she's more about harping on him than showing her love for him). I really want them to last, but I'm also afraid they're just another gimmick couple for RM to play with. I don't want this to be like the non-relationship Puck had with Mercedes.
I think that's everyone and I just really really loved that episode. Part of me hopes that this means the writing will continue to be as awesome, but the smarter part of me who has sat through disappointment in this fandom, ATWT and Torchwood, is skeptical. Is it so wrong to believe once more in a well-written "Glee"?
I also have to point something out that I noticed during Oxygen's marathon last Saturday. In "Furt," Karofksy (who was adorable Sunday and I love Max Adler and I loved seeing who Dave could potentially be if he just stopped hating himself and let go of his fear) steals the wedding cake topper that Kurt had. But, instead of breaking it or trashing it, he sticks it in his pocket. For some reason I feel like this is going to come up later. Maybe he has a Kurt shrine in his closet or he keeps it as a memento of Kurt. Did anyone else think that was an odd moment or am I reading too much into it?
EDIT: If you'd like to see my flail-y column on the Super Bowl episode, you can see it at my blog