The smut meme

Feb 21, 2011 11:38

While I'm slowly working on the new Heroes fic, I thought I'd devote a post to this meme questionnaire about erotic fanfic. Got this from stormwreath .

Apropos of this, the new Heroes story probably won't go beyond an "R" rating... but it will spin off a couple of sequels that certainly will. :-)

Defining erotica
1. Do you consider 'bodice ripper' romance novels erotica?
Never really read one... you'll have to ask Felicia Day. I have skimmed through a couple in the past, though, and was surprised to see such vivid imagery in a book being sold in a supermarket. That was a while ago, though, before the Internet corrupted me, and I might not consider it as shocking now.

2. Do you dislike, tolerate, or enjoy explicit sex in fiction or art?
I like it, if it's well written and makes sense.

3. What is the maximum rating that you will read?
Any rating.

4. Does this vary depending on the medium or author?

5. If you are an author, is the maximum rating for what you write different from what you read?
No, I've written plenty of NC-17. Though I am happy that my G and PG stuff seems to be liked as well as the porn, maybe even more so.

Personal Preferences

6. If it wasn't warned for, and you came across an explicit sex scene, would you skip past it as fast as possible, skim through it, or read it?
Read it. I don't really require "warnings" in the stuff I read. If I happen across something I decide I don't want to read, I'll stop.

7. Do you enjoy BDSM scenes?
Not the heavy stuff or the standard "dominatrix/slave" trope. Bondage can be quite sexy, but not for purposes of inflicting pain or humiliation.

8. What about slave-fic?
I don't have a problem with power imbalance in a sexual encounter, but I do have a problem with non-consensual sex. A slave or servant who is compelled or coerced into having sex is being raped, as far as I'm concerned, and I never find rape sexy.

9. Do you prefer het, slash, femslash, or multiples?
Femslash, mostly. Some het. Multiples are OK as long as they're plausible and written believably.

10. What is your favorite pairing (or multiple).
My most-written fandom is Buffyverse, and my favorite pairing there is Buffy/Satsu (as per the season 8 comics). Since they're so rarely written, I figured it was a worthwhile territory to stake out.

Willow is sexy with just about anyone... I've written her with Tara, Kennedy, Buffy, Anya (sort of), and even Lara Croft (sort of). Haven't written her with Aluwyn (season 8 again) yet, but I want to.

Oddly enough, I've never had any interest in writing the obvious Buffy/Faith pairing. Maybe because it's usually written as hatesex, which doesn't appeal to me.

In Heroes, my basic pairing is Claire/Elle, although that's gradually expanding into a larger femslashy constellation of OFCs and near-OFCs.

In Leverage, Parker/Sophie.

Also, in the DC comics universe, the rare pairing of Oracle (Barbara Gordon) and Lady Blackhawk (Zinda Blake), which I should write more of one of these days.

11. In a sex scene, what turns you on? Doesn't have to be explicit.
At least some element of love, in addition to lust. Realistic dialogue and internal monologue. Detailed descriptions of feelings and physical reactions.

12. What ruins the mood for you?
Violence, hate, force or coercion. Use of trite porno dialogue, of the "oh yeah, baby, give it to me" school. Too much profanity in either dialogue or narration (although some is OK). Bad writing or editing. (There's nothing more distracting than rampant misspellings in the middle of a steamy love scene.)

13. What do you wish writers would include more often in sex scenes?

14. What is your biggest squick? The one thing (besides paedophilia) that makes you exit a story and never go back.
Rape, if it's presented in a context that is obviously meant to be arousing rather than horrifying.

Vocabulary: For each group of words, choose the one you prefer.

15. abdomen, abs, stomach, belly, tummy
Stomach and belly pretty interchangeably. "Tummy" usually seems to cutesy for my taste, but there are places where it can be appropriate. "Abdomen" and "abs" put me more in mind of workout videos than erotica.

16. ass, butt, behind, rear end, derriere
I prefer bottom, buns, sometimes buttocks. Butt and ass, occasionally. The others seem more appropriate for an Edwardian garden party than a sex scene.

17. anus, asshole, hole, entrance
Anus, on those fairly rare occasions when I talk about it specifically. Graphic descriptions of anal sex squick a lot of people, so if that's a factor in my story I tend to be a bit less explicit and more suggestive.

18. penis, cock, dick, manhood, member
Penis, occasionally cock, and a few other synonyms that work pretty well. "Dick" seems too juvenile, and "manhood" and "member" just silly.

19. testicles, balls, nuts, jewels
Balls, sometimes testicles, occasionally nuts. Not "jewels."

20. vagina, cunt, pussy, entrance
I think the words vagina and vulva are sexy, and use them often. I find "pussy" and "cunt" too jarring to use narratively under most circumstances, but sometimes in dialogue or character thoughts.

21. labia, lips, mound
Labia is also a sexy word. "Lips" can be used occasionally thereafter, once the reader knows which lips we're talking about. The mound, or mons, is not the same as the labia.

22. breasts, boobs, tits/titties, the girls
Breasts by default, but most of the other common synonyms can be used for variety. Although phrases like "the girls" or "the twins" would only be used in a humorous or lighthearted context, not an erotic one.

23. have sex, fuck, screw, take, make love
"Fuck" and "screw" are pretty jarring words, and I'd only use them in a scene that is supposed to be distinctly "down and dirty" rather than romantic or loving.

Truth or Dare

24. Fanfic: Do any of your R/L friends or family know you read it? Write it?
Yes, I've posted some (G and PG rated) fanfic under my own name, in places other than LJ. I prefer to keep my LJ persona strictly separated from my real identity.

25. Erotica: Do any of them know you read or write sex scenes?
I only know of one R/L friend who knows that I have this journal. Some others may have figured it out... I dunno.

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