I was so productive yesterday. I wrote a 2,000 word essay, got to listen to Caroline read me select (and juicy) tidbits from the sexy new Supernatural Magazine, and worked out at 3AM. I also struggled with my practical and moral compass about buying my own copy of said mag because I was like, literally, penniless until this morning when I checked
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Comments 16
And I like your point about the whole theme of "if life were a movie" being the explanation for how they were able to segway from episode 4 to this one. ok, that was clearly me taking what you wrote and automatically meshing in what I say into one sentence. But you gets it.
If we were a movie, you'd be the right guy. I'd be the best friend who you fall in love with in the end...LOL, that is what that reminded me of. Miss you!
If we were a movie... i don't know what we'd be. Wonder what I'd be? Something with animals in it, for sure. Something to ponder during a empty hour.
P.s. I totally hung out with an awesome poodle this evening! Not Poopsie, sadly. But Cliff. He's my Grandma's friend's dog. He's adorable. Big (what is the biggest called, again? Standard?), black, and very well trained. I was petting him every chance I got. Now I think I want a poodle!
LOL, there are many, many things I tend to ponder in empty hours. I am having an empty hour at the MO, actually, because Sam and I were supposed to get up at 8 and DO STUFF but that didn't happen because we are lazy and slept in. HEE. We win.
Ohmuhgaw, a Poopsie! :) I love poodle hair, it is so curly and cute. :) Aww, take pictures of Cliff if you can! ♥
The moment when it was like, "Dude, I have four other pizzas I need to deliver so can we hurry this up and can you just pay me?" And Drac is like, "Of courseeee...but...I haf coooopon." I was like, WHUT. THAT'S AMAZING HAHAHAHA. For like half an hour.
Hahaha, I laughed so hard at that! That's the best scene ever! xD Dracula was amazing. I bet they had THE most fun on set with him! And Jensen in Lederhosen? I bet they teased him like crazy! *laughs* I need bloopers from that episode so bad!
It was so good to see the boys having normal conversations. And Sam ate! OMG! The world is about to END! LOL
Now I need to find more Monster Movie icons! *works her Draculaesque cape-pose* Talk to ya later, sweetheart! ♥
Oh, I know. I worry for the boys--I have the darkest theories surrounding their relationship so when they hold it together, I get really excited. Sam and The Giant Pretzel are my new OTP. That thing looked amazing.
Lol! Perfect! *Turns cape and gesticulates expressively* See you soon! ♥
Man, I'm gonna cut a few betches if there are no bloopers from MM! This episode SCREAMS hilarious effed up scenes and uncontrollable laughter because of Dracula's awesomeness and Jensen's Lederhosen! Jared couldn't contain his glee in this scene anyway, you can so totally tell!
I am so going to answer the door like Drac from now on. I'm going to order a pizza just to be like, "Eez thar garrrlic ohn that peeezza? I HAF COOPON." :D
LOL I laughed SO hard at that!
Ei zink ei will speeehr jur leif, Missie! Jurrr reelli fannie! ♥
Can't wait for the new episode!
*meep meep* Drac coming through! *drives away looking dramatic*
*huge hugs*
ETA: Apparently, Drac makes me forget all my typing skills xD AGH! lol
"Man, I'm gonna cut a few betches..."
I almost died laughing when I read that and it's SO true. There needs to be an entire segment dedicated to this episode alone because there are just too many golden opportunities to do silly stuff! LOL. This is how it went:
Jared: Frozen in front of Jensen, massaging his temples with his Intense!Eyeballs on.
Jenson: What...are you doing?
Jared: Shhh....I'm trying to mentally capture this moment and your lederhosen forever.
Jenson: Shut up, dude.
Buahahahaha! :) OH EM GEE, I love your Drac voice! LOL. I think we should post entire entries lyke zis.
"*meep meep* Drac coming through! *drives away looking dramatic.""Oh, hai. I'm jus heerz, escaping on a MOPED." The Impala is like, "I eat those little effers for snackz, Dean, srsly ( ... )
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