Title: Nineteen Going on Eighty (The Vid That Killed Two Comps)
Pairings: B/J
Song: Sixteen Going on Seventeen
Reason: Cait loves The Sound of Music, as well as Brian and Justin. It is her birthday, so she gets both.
Summary: Brian and Justin are perfect for each other.
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Comments 37
And I don't use 'valiantly' lightly as I know firsthand just how sucky WMM can be about saving vids. For me, the 'time remaining' will just keep getting longer and longer until I realize it's fucking with my head and that it ain't gonna happen. I've actually had to resort to breaking each of my vids up into several sections, saving separately, importing those files anew, and then reassembling them on the timeline for the stupid mofo to let me save properly. And yet, next to Adobe Premiere, it still seems to be the lesser of two evils. ;)
WMM almost had me beat, but Anna stepped up. :> It tried to kill her too, but she was much more resilient than me. ://
Especially seriously brilliant moments:
1. The music swell right before she starts singing with the Babylon dancing
2. "I am sixteen going on seventeen" with KickinItOutToMoby!Justin - I DIED RIGHT THEN. SO PERFECT AND GENIUS
4. "Timid and shy and scared am I" with Justin demonstrating his huge balls.
5. "I'll depend on you" - did you specifically time it so that Brian exhales the smoke right when that little chime sounds? Even if you didn't say yes cause its fabulous.
6. Every single inspired second of the sequence edited in with the prom. I cannot even speak of it - it is too much for me.
It is seriously scary how this song so works for B&J.
You = genius. This was a perfect vid and every bit of your hard work shows.
The end.
5. "I'll depend on you" - did you specifically time it so that Brian exhales the smoke right when that little chime sounds? Even if you didn't say yes cause its fabulous.
That was Anna :))
Thanks again!
The back-and-forth around 1:45.. hehe. It's like they're having a maturity contest. :))
The change to Jsutin POV is great. "I kow that I'm naive". LOL, he *so* is. and the snowflakes?! Really, really cheesy but I love them so much.
The end.. with the spinning!!!!!!!! HAAHAHAHA. Sped-up stuff is funny. Love this, great job.
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