Despues de malas experiencias es normal que te quieras encerrar en ti misma y no quieras que nadie entre en tu vida, al fin y al cabo, si no pueden entrar, si ellos no te importan, no pueden hacerte daño. No tomes esto como un error, todavia puedes buscar ese amor (ya en un novio o un amigo), tomate esto como un descanso y una revelacion, porque seguro que ahora te lo planteas de otra forma. Animo!
Si lo se, es bueno descansar y tal, lo que pasa que me descontrolo mucho con esto de ser libre y disfrutar y blablabla y luego me vienen los remordimientos, las paranoyas... y al final una echa de menos que la traten como algo mas que un trozo de carne de vez en cuando XD De todas maneras son tonterias que le dan a una por dias jajaj muaks!
No te arrepientas! Piensa que todo tiene una edad, ahora estas en edad de probar cosas, de ser libre, porque si no lo haces ahora cuando sera? Aunque te entiendo en eso de echar de menos que traten como una princesa, pero tranquila ya veras como todo llega y en el momento que menos me lo esperes ^^
I don't think this is such a weird entry. I can understand wanting to find that one person who will love you and share everything with you no matter what. But, I think that sometimes feeling like that you are more prone to get hurt because you'll probably put your heart more into relationships than most people are willing to do. So I can also understand the "just having fun" attitude (I'm not like that, but I just don't allow myself to feel anything for anyone. Mainly because I am sure there isn't anyone who could understand all my weirdness, so it's instead of being constantly disappointed lol).
However, if it makes you unhappy to not be the person you were anymore, then maybe you're not really having as much fun as you think you are now? I don't think that that kind of lifestyle is bad or anything, but if deep down it's not who you really are then forcing yourself to be like that will just hurt you in the end.
You make sense lol, and it's not that I'm forcing myself to be someone I'm not, it's that I've slowly become like that and I don't know if I really like it. It's cool sometimes, most of the time indeed, but maybe even if I may suffer, I'll be happier returning to what I used to be. Lol I don't know I'm just a bit confused lately. I'm feeling cheesy X'D!!! and Jack doesn't come and marry me so I feel even sadder *sighs*... *I can't help being silly sorry! XDDDD*
Comments 5
No tomes esto como un error, todavia puedes buscar ese amor (ya en un novio o un amigo), tomate esto como un descanso y una revelacion, porque seguro que ahora te lo planteas de otra forma.
De todas maneras son tonterias que le dan a una por dias jajaj muaks!
Piensa que todo tiene una edad, ahora estas en edad de probar cosas, de ser libre, porque si no lo haces ahora cuando sera?
Aunque te entiendo en eso de echar de menos que traten como una princesa, pero tranquila ya veras como todo llega y en el momento que menos me lo esperes ^^
However, if it makes you unhappy to not be the person you were anymore, then maybe you're not really having as much fun as you think you are now? I don't think that that kind of lifestyle is bad or anything, but if deep down it's not who you really are then forcing yourself to be like that will just hurt you in the end.
I don't know, I'm not making much sense lol
It's cool sometimes, most of the time indeed, but maybe even if I may suffer, I'll be happier returning to what I used to be. Lol I don't know I'm just a bit confused lately. I'm feeling cheesy X'D!!! and Jack doesn't come and marry me so I feel even sadder *sighs*... *I can't help being silly sorry! XDDDD*
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