Title: Nothing Scarlet or Grey
Gift for: #073 Aigua Nightshade
From: #42 Eris Moriendi
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Very dark themes and graphic (fully consensual) sex.
Word Count: ~13,800
Summary: Harry clings to what he can.
Note: For the very lovely and talented Aigua Nightshade for Reversathon 2007. Many thanks to R. for the
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Comments 31
1. Loved the relationship between Harry and Draco. Draco has to be forced to tell the truth for it to work, and that seems very very true of them. The description of his red shirt, by the way? Very very pretty.
2. Loved the Weasley spy, not Ron but Arthur. Very nice point about the consequences of Imperio.
3. Hermione dying was unexpected and brilliant. It made the war real and the brief description of her parents at her funeral was just heartbreaking. I loved that Harry tried to save her - it made his descent even more tragic.
4. Draco dying! Oh, poor Harry and his lost home! Loved the following glass cyclone and the very natural estrangement from Ron. Yeah, I think that's overall the thing that really worked for me in this: really horrible things happened but there were very human reactions to it.
5. Making dead!Draco stand in the cupboard! That just hurt. When Harry slips from thinking of him as 'him' and thinks of him as 'it', that's when the horror really starts ( ... )
The thing about Imperio is that it is an Unforgivable, and I am intrigued by the ugliness of it. *smile* I am glad Hermione's death worked for you, and the argument with Ron. My biggest concern with this piece was selling Harry's state of mind.
And thank you VERY much for the points about when and where the horror creeps in. I was hoping it would strike readers that way and am glad to know it worked.
The world is a better place with Draco in it, I think. Even undead!Draco. And I definitely didn't nearly name this piece "My Boyfriend is a Teenaged Zombie.
Thank you again, so much. And cheers to Prongs!
Darling this is... so very, very painful I haven't the words to articulate it. You've quite done me in. I feel a drastic need to submerge myself in alcohol until the knife sharp awareness of the painful brilliance of this has dulled from my heart.
I am glad the story affected you. Thank you for your kind words.
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