a quiz online at the guardian newspaper:
"You got 22 questions right out of a possible 25. This gives you a cash/cleverness coefficient of...
Wow. Your IQ is as far above the average for your salary level as the scale permits. What are you doing with your life?"
Good question. Playing solitaire and surfing the web mostly...
Comments 5
Random Silliness
I think they should pay us an even million dollars a year. It's a nice round number. That way we could do things like decide on a moment's notice to spend a weekend together, pack a bag, and hop on the next flight. We could also take off and go to Disney World for a week... or, for that matter, anywhere else.
Hey, if we pooled our resources and saved up for a while, we could even buy our own airplane. Want to go to Tokyo and get a few thousand dollars' worth of paper from Takeo? No problem. Grab your passport. The plane leaves as soon as you get there...
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