Ok...I totally stole this idea from
seraphtrevs. She wanted to know if you could say anything to the characters in HBP, what would you would say? SPOILERS!
Dumbledore- *Sniff* I really liked you in this book and although I will miss you, I hope you stay dead.
Tonks- I thought you were all in love with Sirius? Ah well, I think it's cute you and mooony.
Hermione- I love you dear, always have, I hope the best for you in your romantic adventures.
Ron- You're an idiot. I dislike you muchly, get a brain and ask her out before she gets one and refuses you.
Harry- I think Iam the only one who misses OoTP you. I didn't much like you or the burning creature of desire or whatever it was inside you in this book. I won't be totally crushed if you snuff it in book 7. Oh, do keep thinking about Draco though, it was obsessive and cute!
Snape- I still very much like you even if I have no idea what the shit you are doing.
Ginny- Why hello Mary-sue, when did you start attending Hogwarts?
Mrs.Malfoy- *Tear* You DO love your son!
Draco- I love the new you! I also loved the old you! The kicking in Harry's face was so hot. Don't die on me *Hugs* Send my love to Pansy. Oh and once your done that, Harry needs a shag to kill that desire monster, go to it.
Voldemort- Iam really starting to like you! The zombies thing is very creepy...it suits you.