Old Skool Memeage

Jun 03, 2014 09:23

Name: Erny
Age: 33
Location: Ohio, USA
Any pets? Harper and Polly are cats.  Jacob is a Tennessee Walking Horse (or Tennessee Fidgeting Asshole, as I fondly refer to him when he's being a little less than behaved).
Occupation and/or field of study?: I'm currently Bulk Sales Something for Skreened.com.  I majored in Creative Writing and Theatre (specifically tech and historical research) in college.
What's your dream job? I want to travel the world and eat stuff and write about it or talk about it on television.  Or make sure scenes with horses are historically/equitationally accurate for tv and movies.  Or provide support for the families of drug addicts.  But really, more than anything, I want to be a backwoods self-sustaining hermit.
What do you most love to do for fun? Talk to critters.  Ride my horse.  Read.  Dig weeds.  Watch Murder, She Wrote.  Get lost.
What really, really pisses you off? Selfishness.  Perpetuating ignorance.  Cruelty.  Deliberate unkindness.  Being an asshole because you think only your needs matter.
What's the funniest thing you've ever seen on the Internet?  I really don't know.  I've seen some good stuff, and there are certain Hyperbole and a Half entries that make me nearly pee myself every time, but I'm subject to random fits of tickles where something will just strike me as far funnier than most people will find it.
Some names of the most important people in your life/the ones you mention most on your journal?  Ham is my boyfriend/partner/whatever.  I mention my family from time to time.  My coworkers.  The folks at the barn.
Favorite artists? Hopper.  Chagall.  The Beatles.  Gaiman.  King.  My coworkers.  My old boss Tooj.  My hair lady, Kate.
What's been your best life experience so far?  Getting back into horses.  Going from living in a car to owning a house in five years.
Your worst experience? Being crazy.  I should embrace it, but it makes everything so drastic and frantic, and I hate focusing on the negative aspects of myself.
Something you like about yourself: I share well.  As much as other people intimidate me, I am genuine and generous.
Something you dislike but are working on changing:  I hate my body.  It hurts and it doesn't work and it doesn't look good.  But I'm trying to be super active to prove that I'm strong.
Any triggers I should know about?  Don't call me fat, ugly, irresponsible, or stupid.
Share a song lyric that describes your life at the moment: I've been using this one for years- "No one, I think, is in my tree.  I mean, it must be high or low."Anything else I ought to know? I talk about horses and my mental problems a lot.  With a sprinkling of "What I Did On My Holiday."

aren't you fascinating?, a fiendish thingie!

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