So much has happened since the last time I wrote in this ruddy thing, but first, I'd like to introduce you to the newest member of my family - Max.
Now, how did Max come to be in my family? Well, let me explain. I should really start from where I last left off, because otherwise it might not make proper sense.
Well, the evening after Michael told me about him not returning to school, he sought me out, and long story short we made up. Neither of us wanted to end what we'd started, and Merlin help me, Michael actually offered to stay if I asked him to. Can you believe that? That he would give up an opportunity like that to stay with me? Well, I couldn't do that to him, and I told him so. But then we had to face the fact that he was going to leave 2 days later. We *ahem* decided to make the best of the time we had left together, and let's just say nobody saw hide nor hair of us till we came out of the room the morning of the 28th.
So Michael left, and it was hard, of course. But at least school started the 1st, and that helped to distract me a little. I was a Prefect again, but the entire experience of school, the welcome feast and the sorting ceremony, it was all so surreal after what had happened last year. I did my usual, showing the first years around and sorting out any issues. I do admit, every now and again my ego would be stroked when some of the younger years would ask me about the Battle of Hogwarts, remembering how I'd leaped upon the Hufflepuff table to rally the troops. They looked up to me like a hero, and it felt rather good, I must say. But eventually I was able to crash into my bed, which was now in the same room as last year's sixth years - we were *all* considered 7th years this year, so the room was a little more crowded than usual. Thank Merlin for magic!
Something really interesting happened on September 2nd, but I'm not quite finished processing through it yet. I'll talk about it later, when my mind's a little more clear on the matter. Let's just say it involved a meeting with Madame Pomfrey.
Anyway, so I was back in school, things were going well - I was with most of my friends, and Muggle Studies was actually enjoyable this year without Carrow. But this morning, I stopped half-way to class when Michael showed up. Yes, I admit I ducked out of class so I could meet with him, but it wasn't a big deal - I took these classes last year after all.
So Michael came because he had news - he was being situated in Hogsmeade!!! He'd talked to them and convinced them to station him there to work on the housing and beautification projects, or whatever they're called, I can't remember because I was just so happy to have him there and nearby. He'd be close enough to come visit on occasion, and I'd be able to go see him when I could. And then he opens up his bag and pulls out Max. He said he knew I was sad that Bert never showed up after the last battle (I'd like to think that maybe he found himself a nice rat-wife somewhere and is starting a little rat-family of his own), and he also wanted me to have something to keep me warm when we were apart - hence Max.
He's adorable! I just love him so much, he's perfect! And it was so thoughtful of Michael, I just can't believe he'd do this for me. Every time I think of it, I get that heart-tugging feeling, you know what that's like? Where your chest tightens, and you feel like you're going to burst because you're so happy? That's what I'm feeling like right now.
So Michael's in Hogsmeade, and Max is sharing my bed. Life is almost perfect, I'd say.