Yay for summer vacation.
I have technically been on summer vacation for quite a while now, because my classes ended on April 6. However, it felt too early for it to be summer. After all, April is in spring. Easter is in April, and Easter is in spring, therefore April is in spring. Simple logic. I know summer technically starts on the summer solstice, but to me it always unofficially started after Memorial Day weekend. Well, there is no Memorial Day weekend in Canada. I'm not sure if it's because Canadians are anti-memorials or if there's some other reason. Instead there is Victoria Day weekend, which occurs one weekend earlier and is named after a Spice Girl.
So now that Victoria Day is over, it's unofficially summer in my brain. And everywhere else in me. Yes, it's summer in my pants.
I spent the first month or so taking an urban design class. I still have a couple of assignments to do for it between now and June 1. Then I'm going to Europe June 7-13. Then I return to Vancouver to go to this conference where I'll be presenting some research I did last fall. It's not a very important conference, mind you, but it's a conference. And then after that, I don't know yet. There is a possibility I'll be working in Santa Barbara again. There is a possibility I'll stay in Vancouver instead and work on a project for the city. There is a possibility I'll stay in Vancouver and work on a different project for the city. There is a possibility that I will be paid $20 per hour. There is a possibility I will receive a small honourarium. There is a possibility I will not be paid. There is a possibility I will take a course in August. There is a possibility I will do my Masters project regarding the project I worked on in Santa Barbara over the last two years. There is a possibility my project will involve housing affordability in Vancouver. There is a possibility a certain faculty member will be my advisor.
A lot of these possibilities need to be ironed out around, oh, now. I thought I would have all of this nailed down by now, but alas. Part of this is my fault for being a slacker. Another part of it has been beyond my control, thanks to the grindingly slow workings of bureaucratic organizations. I tried to get a couple of paid internships locally last month. One of the employers didn't want to deal with the headache of hiring a non-Canadian for a short-term position. I was like the runner-up for this other internship that attracted about 25 candidates. So close yet so far. Damn.
So anyway, the punchline is that I'm still in the what-will-I-do-this-summer limbo that I've been in since the beginning of the year, even though IT IS NOW OFFICIALLY SUMMER IN JASONLAND. Must leave limbo now.