2449 Disney's Hercules caps 1280 x 960

Feb 21, 2009 15:22

A bit of a strange weekend ahead. I was filming as an evil monk this morning and this evening we're off to a friend's flatwarming - the theme is children's party so I'm going dressed as a kid with bunches and knee high black socks. In between we're going to a friend's for drinkies.

Hercules 1 (18.2Mb)
Hercules 2 (17.6Mb)
Hercules 3 (17.9Mb)
Hercules 4 (18.5Mb)
Hercules 5 (18.2Mb)
Hercules 6 (18.0Mb)
Hercules 7 (16.4Mb)
Hercules 8 (17.7Mb)
Samples (click for larger but not full size samples):


Comments and credit make me a god :oD


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