Icon tutorial

Jan 28, 2007 13:11

Here's our starting image

Once I had shrunk the image down and placed it where I wanted it, I decided the best way to lighten the image was, of course, screen layers. I duplicated the base layer, sharpened the copy, and set it to screen. (I always sharpen upper layers rather than the base layer -  it helps prevents that nasty over-sharpened look). I then duplicated the screened layer:

 (base) >

The colours are a bit too dark for my tastes, so I duplicated the screened layer again and desaturated it. I then duplicated the desaturated screened layer a further 3 times:


It looks a bit dodgy but bear with me. I duplicated the desaturated layer again and set it to soft light 40% opacity:

To get better contrast between the light and the dark I changed the soft light layer's levels slightly:


Then to soften the face I blurred the soft light layer a few times:

I wanted to make the colours more interesting so I took this light texture:

 (it's one of my own and can be downloaded HERE)

And bent it and shaped it, and set several different layers to different settings until I had the effect I wanted:

 > Lighten @ 55% opacity >

 > Soft Light @ 70% opacity >

 > Soft Light @ 70% opacity >

 > Soft Light @ 70% opacity >

 > Linear Dodge @ 70% opacity >

Frankly she looks like she has some kind of green and oozing plague at the mo - not exactly a good look. So to soften it up I did the following:

 > Soft Light >

 > Exclusion >

 > Multiply >

To make it a bit more interesting I added a couple of black and white gradients:

 > Linear Burn 75% opacity >

 > Soft Light >

I then used a texture by

 > Color Burn 65% opacity >

Finally I feel the colour is too dark, but as I'm going for a soft look I don't want every part of the icon to be the same saturation. Instead I want different parts to be brighter and stand out more than others. So I created several plain white layers and erased the parts of the layer where I would like the colour to be stronger. I then set all the layers to saturation and gave them different opacities, like this:

 Saturation 20% opacity +

 Saturation 25% opacity +

 Saturation 30% opacity >

Finally I deleted the edge of the image to soften that too.

Now add your brushes etc. to get the final icon. Here are the layers again:

You probably shouldn't use all the layers I did - it'll vary depending on how dark your image is, the effects you want, etc. But I hope the above tutorial has given you some ideas to try out.

Links to all my other tutorials can be found in my rosources HERE


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