2163 Disney's the Hunchback of Notredame caps 1280 x 720

Aug 25, 2008 16:17

Nikki's wedding was fab. We had a great night. One of Nikki's friends, Izzy, had brought a date called Paul and he was hilarious! I won't forget him rolling on the carpet during their version of the tango very quickly!! Yesterday Lizzie and Ken came over for dinner and Dave cooked a pork roast. God, that man can cook! I've gained weight since we moved in together!

Here's other of my Disney movies capped - that makes 15 done. Links to all my caps and resources can be found HERE.

The Hunchback of Notredame 1 (17.4Mb)
The Hunchback of Notredame 2 (21.8Mb)
The Hunchback of Notredame 3 (17.7Mb)
The Hunchback of Notredame 4 (15.6Mb)
The Hunchback of Notredame 5 (14.7Mb)
The Hunchback of Notredame 6 (17.8Mb)

Samples (click on the pic for large size sample):

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