2015 (22nd of May) KAT-TUN Tame Tabi Episode 6 in Fukuoka + KAT-TUN
- Nothing beats the love of a family.
- Ueda's face as he's on the roller coaster.
- Kame the instigater.
- Nakamaru get a bit soaked.
Alinka *Or try
KAL Time: 21 min 59 sec
Size: 649 MB
Appearing: KAT-TUN
001 -Softsubs//
MF Hi KAT-TUN family! I apologize for the super late update. I have recently moved back to Japan and I haven't had much spare time as I used to. However, I do intend to keep working on subbing TameTabi to help improve and maintain my Japanese. Thank you all for your patience!
On another note, it is a bit of a shock to come back to this fandom to find that KAT-TUN is one again going to lose another member. Seriously, props to Ueda, Nakamaru and Kame for hanging in there. Hopefully, they will have a good recovery time and come back ready. I really do hope that the 3-nin KAT-TUN will do well. They deserve it.