Ok. You caught me. I <3 Fall out Boy Do:! Lock me up in emo prison.
Eva has realized there is no point in doing
to herself during one of her nipple confusion tantrums when she has MY
chest and face to claw her nails into. Gramps had her one month well
baby check up today. She went over the chart for expected weight gain.
the tubbers. She got her second Hep B shot.Worst thing ever watching
your baby scream like that. I don't understand how anyone can willingly
make their baby go through such pain by choice, like ear piercing. Why
the fuck does a three week old need earrings anyway? Do these
earrings go with my onesie? And yes, I know vaxxin is my
choice as well. You know the difference.
Moving on. Before Eva got her shot I asked to be shown some proof that
the vaccine contained no preservatives. The nurse had the blankest
stare on her. I needed proof that they weren't using old vaccines that
contained thermisol (i'm missing a letter in there, I know..) When I
mentioned thermisol the nurse just gave me this *lolz. what's
that?hairfliplook. It was a very comforting
situation. If I couldn't be shown proof that bebe wasn't going to be
shot up with mercury, then she wasn't getting shot. simple.
A few minutes later the doctor came in and luckily he knew what I was
talking about. Even luckier is that he just got back from a few
meetings on the issue. I was shown proof that they weren't using na old
vaccine on babykins and we were ready to go.
I gave Eva the ol' bait and switch and got her to latch onto my nipple
without the shield. And it hurt. Badly. Baaaaaaadly. Her latch without
the shield is probably totally fucked up but I was just too happy that
she took my nipple without the shield that I didn't care. but like I
mentioned it fucking hurt and it still does. Last time I nursed was at
about 1am, it's almost six am now and my nipple is still throbbing. If
anyone wants to swing by with an epidural....
'Gramps' is becoming even more grampier by the day. She smacks her lips
after she yawns and has crazy grandpa hair. She has the male pattern
baldness thing happening so she's sort of bald on the top of her head
but has a complete full head of hair in the back. The hair she does
have seems to be curling up so it's all over the place. So shes bald
and the hair she does have stands up-crazy grandpa hair <3
She'll sit in her aquarium swing or bouncer and talk to the fish. I
would always complain that she would never let me put her down for
atleast five minutes just so I can do the dishes, or get blood flow
back into my arms. Now that she apparently gets into more stimulating
conversation with the fish, she doesn't want me as much :o(. Luckily
she'll only stay in her swing for about 15 minutes, unless she falls
Birthday is coming up soon. I hate that alll year I'm like 'ohh, I want
that.' 'If I had money I'd get that' Then when the time comes and
people ask me what I want I totally forget and just have this 'uhduuuh
i dunno' look on my face.
eh. that's it. I bet you all fell asleep while reading this entry. If you even read it.