Title: 24/7 Rating: PG-13 Pairing: WonKyu Siwon/Kyuhyun Summary: Kyuhyun would love to say that his romance began in a coffee shop with shy smiles but it didn’t. It started with a kidnapping and his stalker. Notes: AU. ( Read more... )
WOW! This is good, maan, this is realy gooood! ery interesting~ I love how protectiive and absolutelly possessive Siwon is and being a weirdo, I think even his creepiness is freaking awesome. It's even good that he has some creepiness in him, after all he's kidnapper, it adds darkness in Siwon's character! Damn, I even like that Kanngin is so obidient to Siwon's commands, I assume Siwon is the leader there? I like Kyu's character here too, so cute and fragile >.< And preview.....ow, Siwon, you sneaky man, keke~ He wants a kiss! xD Please-please-please, update soon! pleeeaaaase~ When you'll update?
This is interesting. I wasn't able to comment on the first chap because you said angst but ugh, I can't keep away from caring, possessive Siwon. I'm just bracing myself when he gets psycho on everyone except maybe Kyu later on. XD *crossing my fingers no one dies* XD
Comments 17
YAY! AN UPDATE!!!!!* runs to read*
I love how protectiive and absolutelly possessive Siwon is and being a weirdo, I think even his creepiness is freaking awesome. It's even good that he has some creepiness in him, after all he's kidnapper, it adds darkness in Siwon's character! Damn, I even like that Kanngin is so obidient to Siwon's commands, I assume Siwon is the leader there? I like Kyu's character here too, so cute and fragile >.<
And preview.....ow, Siwon, you sneaky man, keke~ He wants a kiss! xD
Please-please-please, update soon! pleeeaaaase~ When you'll update?
I hope you'll enjoy the next one! :D
It's soooooo good and Siwon's all crazy/creepy and shit and I love it and WIFAHPEIJIAEOPJEI
Hehe, thank you for reading ^^
*crossing my fingers no one dies* XD
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