Title: 24/7 Rating: PG-13 Pairing: WonKyu Siwon/Kyuhyun Summary: Kyuhyun would love to say that his romance began in a coffee shop with shy smiles but it didn’t. It started with a kidnapping and his stalker. Notes: AU. ( Read more... )
I think Siwon has some mental issues. But, even if they try to help others with similar problems (which in this case I assume it´s about mental problems) I just don´t get why did Siwon kill Mr. Kim??? and Hyukie seemed pretty normal too. There must be something else ... hmmm... but I don´t know what XDDDDDDDDDD LMAO.
Well...let's keep you guys guessing~ Otherwise there'd be no more suspense! There's a reason for everything...(I just hope they're interesting enough O-O;;;;)
Comments 14
I think Siwon has some mental issues.
But, even if they try to help others with similar problems (which in this case I assume it´s about mental problems) I just don´t get why did Siwon kill Mr. Kim??? and Hyukie seemed pretty normal too. There must be something else ... hmmm... but I don´t know what XDDDDDDDDDD LMAO.
Well...let's keep you guys guessing~ Otherwise there'd be no more suspense! There's a reason for everything...(I just hope they're interesting enough
Siwon definitely has some...problems.
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