Title: 24/7 Rating: PG-13 Pairing: WonKyu Siwon/Kyuhyun Summary: Kyuhyun would love to say that his romance began in a coffee shop with shy smiles but it didn’t. It started with a kidnapping and his stalker. Notes: AU.
o_O I don't know what to feel about Siwon. Of course, my WonKyu bias is telling me what to feel lol. But maybe Kyuhyun is right, Siwon will hurt other people but he'll be safe from and with Siwon but then again, how can you love someone as psycho as that? And ooh, are my guesses from last chap really somewhat accurate? :D
And Kyuhyun seems to be developing feelings for him now even if he's terrified. If Siwon wasn't a little strange in the head, umm, scratch that, I still enjoyed the WonKyu interaction even knowing that honestly XDDD
And it's a little late to be wishing you luck so here's hoping you did well on your mock test :)
Ooh, surprise guest? I'm excited already! :D This story is awesome, Siwon's so creepy. It's so disconcerting, how can he act so normal when it's definitely NOT XD Keep up the great work^^
Comments 15
And Kyuhyun seems to be developing feelings for him now even if he's terrified. If Siwon wasn't a little strange in the head, umm, scratch that, I still enjoyed the WonKyu interaction even knowing that honestly XDDD
And it's a little late to be wishing you luck so here's hoping you did well on your mock test :)
Siwon is just that tiniest bit unhinged...
This story is awesome, Siwon's so creepy. It's so disconcerting, how can he act so normal when it's definitely NOT XD
Keep up the great work^^
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