So in case you haven't read this, it contains spoilers for the last
Harry Potter book. And here are my thoughts, not on the content, which I'm all, "Dur!" but on some of the comments!
Comments are spoilers for the article, of course!
"Why do we have to know Dumbledores sexual orientation? I say Boo JK. Why did you need to reveal that."
"If Albus was truly gay, why didn’t we hear anything about this in the books? Wouldn’t this be important? And if it’s not important, why mention it at all?
"I think I could have gone on without that pice of information! Nothing against gay-ness, just that “DD” and “sex” don’t go right in my mind!!!!"
I'm ignoring the comments which are blatantly anti-gay, I want to focus on the comments which echo a sentiment I've heard many times before, directed at homosexual celebrities and people I know. It comes from people who don't consider themselves homophobic or anything, but just don't want other people "shoving their sexuality in [their] face." However, they never seem to complain when heterosexuals do it.
It's really irritating when people consider talking equally about your sexuality as shoving it in their face. Of course you don't want to know Dumbledore's sexual orientation, because if you don't get it confirmed, you can assume he's straight, and go on living in your homophobic little world in ease. However, now that you know he's gay, the character has been ruined for you! ....but you're not homophobic? If you're not, why would knowing his orientation make a difference?
Considering the amount of half(or more!)-naked women on billboards and busses geared towards the heterosexual male I have to see during my commute, and the amount of women magazines geared towards pleasing your man in bed, nevermind the actual first-hand shoving their sexuality in their face I get from catcalls and come-ons from dudes, the heterosexuals are throwing a ton of giants rocks from inside their glass houses, and it pisses me off every time I see/hear about one of them complaining when a homosexual who says they are a homosexual is "shoving it in people's faces!"
No. They are saying what they are, because you are likely assuming them to be something they're not. They're simply correcting your ignorance, and you should be grateful for that. We don't hear about professor McGonagall's orientation. Anyone? Anyone? How many are assuming she's straight uness told otherwise? Where was the outcry when we learned of Harry's orientation? Why did we need to be told that Harry liked girls? That really was never central to the plot (sure, the romances pop up here and there, but where is it needed for the plot to move forward?)? Yet I don't recall anyone going, "Wtf, why do we need to be told Harry likes girls? I don't need to know that!" Or Draco! We found out Draco got married! To a woman! A She-woman! Why do we need to know Draco's sexuality????
Anyway. That's my bitching for today.