From this:
to this:
It's easier than you think!
Uses PS
I started out with this cap:
terribtastic Lovely pose, but it looks like someone bled on the cap. :(
Cropped and resized:
Saturation: -60 (ish)
That looks a WHOLE lot better, doesn't it?
Duplicate base twice, set both to screen
Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Curves (Input, Output)
(curves layer adjusted from
brasaremean's tutorials ♥)
RGB: 110, 131
Red: 118, 142
Green: 119, 140
Blue: 148, 90
Set adjustment layer to Soft Light
Duplicate base again, drag to top, set to screen at 71%
Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Selective Color
Yellow: +66
Cyan: +98%
Yellow: -59%
Cyan: +82%
Yellow: -36%
Black: +29%
Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Curves
RGB: 199, 209; 138, 114; 73, 29
Red: 211, 204; 145, 122; 72, 26
Green:196, 185; 117, 123; 48, 58
Blue: 25, 77; 105, 141; 218, 194
Set layer to Soft Light, 52%
Select All (Ctrl+A), Copy Merged (Ctrl+Shift+C), Paste (Ctrl+V)
Edit>Fade Sharpen>20%
And there you go!
This was my first tutorial, so hopefully it made sense and didn't confuse anyone. I think the most important thing when doing major color correction is to lower the saturation of the base image. If you don't, no matter what you do to the image, it will look like crap. Believe me, I tried. XP
Feel free to ask any questions, show me what you came up with, etc.
Oh, and please don't use any DW spoilery icons in this post. I've only seen halfway through the first season, and I don't wanna know what happens *covers eyes*