hey i saw your angelina icon (from a friends journal you posted on) and thought it was effin awesome!! so i figured id say hi and if you want to add me its cool if not no worries! take it easy. ciao ciao
excellent! ill add you too. i also noticed that we have a lot of the same interests - but then again who doesnt. unfortunetly, im too lazy to write all mine out.
hello there ive been to your info page a few times hoping to add you, but hadnt worked up the courage to post to request adding-ness. ive seen you many a time upon le randomquestions surface, and was hoping to add you. if i am repeating myself, i must apologise, im sick right now and cant think properly. what an introduction! yee! so yes, ... ciao!
you really didn't need to work up the courage. i'm not one of those pretentious lj-users or anything. my journal is only friends only to keep dickheads from posting in it.
danke dear :) i guess the 'working-up-of-courage' came from the slight intimidation that 'friends-only' journals aspire to. dont worry, i have a friends only journal too... :)
it's just financial problems. i'm a shopaholic, and i'm digging myself deeper and deeper into debt. i don't know what i'm going to do to pay for everything.
Comments 200
cause u seem *fun*
*adds you back*
ciao ciao
ive been to your info page a few times hoping to add you, but hadnt worked up the courage to post to request adding-ness.
ive seen you many a time upon le randomquestions surface, and was hoping to add you.
if i am repeating myself, i must apologise, im sick right now and cant think properly.
what an introduction! yee!
so yes,
... ciao!
i'll add you :)
you really didn't need to work up the courage. i'm not one of those pretentious lj-users or anything. my journal is only friends only to keep dickheads from posting in it.
i guess the 'working-up-of-courage' came from the slight intimidation that 'friends-only' journals aspire to. dont worry, i have a friends only journal too... :)
*adds you back*
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