

Jul 03, 2009 21:20

So I've been giving a lot of thought recently to the tangled web that has arisen from the organically trimmed aging world of my online presence. Blogging, microblogging, photo sharing, video sharing, comment posting, social networking, and all the other ways I appear here and there on the web have sharded across a couple dozen different services, fallback usernames, and decaying caches of former haunts. My friends, professional colleagues, aquantances, and admiring spambots are haphazardly connected to me via one service or five, and I'm less and less sure where I want to post my missives. I've spent some time thinking about the various usernames I use -- 'ert' is certainly preferable but often taken -- and the services where I have some level of presence -- LJ, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Flickr -- and been trying to boil them down to the essence of what I want to do with them and what experience teaches me that I'll be able to do with them.

The catch-all neologism for the idea of getting this all under one roof is lifestreaming, and I've been looking at some of the services that purport to help you get on top of everything. I'm someone who wants to continually take what was yesterday's bleeding edge - in this case blogging, photoblogging, and the like -- and build on it as nothing more than a well-understood platform. Having a central service that tries to give me a main interface to this morass of online socializing is a very attractive idea.

I gazed at Sweetcron for a while, dreaming of an infinitely customizable online presence and seduced by its Appleesque icons, yet worried about the installation and maintenance effort required. Current signs point to Posterous and its delicious no-registration-required interface as the way forward.

At the end of it all, I expect there will be some serious rebooting of this blog. Stay tuned.


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