(no subject)

Jan 28, 2008 18:17

So, I'm at work, checking the LJ, and saw that Laura put up a survey.

Are you in a relationship?
Sort of, not really, no.

Are you wearing jeans right now?

What level do you play in guitar hero?

Where is your dad?
At home, I think.

Do you live with both of your parents?

Do you think too much or too little?
More than is good for me, but not nearly enough.

Do you smile a lot?
I would like to think so.

What is the price of gas where you live?
$2.79 a gallon for regular.

What was the last compliment you received, and when?
I don't remember, unfortunately. Does being called a sarcastic bastard while someone is laughing count?

Have you ever ridden in a plane?

Are you for or against abortion?
Umm, for. I think that adoption is usually the better way, but I also believe in freedom of choice.

Do you prefer call or text?
Call, I guess. Though I don't really mind text.

Do you have any siblings?
Ethan, age 8.

Are you close with them?
Sort of. We do stuff together, on occasion, but the age gap is rather large.

How many people do you trust 100%?

Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
JC Penny. It was on sale for $4

Do you go to church?

Are Chuck Norris jokes funny?
More often than not.

What's the last movie you saw in the theater?
Umm. I have no idea. I tried to go see Golden Compass a few weeks ago, but the next show wasn't for an hour and a half, so we left.

Can you live without the computer?

When was the last time you got flowers?
Never, as far as I can recall.

Do you have any piercings?
Yes, two in my ear.

Who was the last person you laid in bed with?

Whats your middle name?

How big is your bed?

Ever get so drunk you couldn't remember the entire night?
Not really. I remember most of the night.

Can you play any instruments?
Sort of. I can play a few notes on a guitar.

Favorite flower?
Lily of the Valley, followed closely by tulips.

Have you ever loved someone?
Of course.

Do you have a tattoo?
No. Never seriously thought about it, to be honest.

Are you hiding something from someone?
Sort of. I'd show them if they asked.

Thing you can't live without?

Are you a giver or a taker?
Giver. Very much so.

List three differences between you & the last person you kissed.
I'm white, male, and moderately heavier.

What was your first thought when you looked in the mirror this morning?
"Wow, I look scruffy."

Do you believe there's always room in your heart for your first love?
Not really. I rarely think about her, anymore.

Do you like to have long hair or short hair?
Long hair. Short hair is easier, but since I think I have nice hair, I like having lots of it.

Have you memorized your social security number?
Of course. Have to for school.

Who is your favorite family member?
My cat. He's the only one who's non-judgmental.

Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?.
Because I was leaving her dorm for the night.

When was the last time you cried?

Have you ever gambled in a casino?

Have you ever had your heart broken?

How many texts did you receive today?

Do you ever miss your first love?
Not really.

Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
So it seems.

Who was the last person to make you cry?

Name someone whose name starts with the letter "R."
Rachel, the Croatian hispanic girl.

Do you trust people easily?

Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
No clue.

Do you plan on moving out within the next year?
I'm not sure.

Where were you at 9pm last Friday night?
At Galactic Games, playing Magic with Trung.

What happened at 10:00 am today?
I went to Comp Law class.

Is your family just a bundle of fun?
Oh yes.

Do you laugh at all the wrong times?
Not usually.

When did you last laugh hysterically?
"Yo' name is Tob-ay!" as said by Chelsea, a week from last Sunday.

Your boyfriend/girlfriend leaves you for his/her ex, you do what?
Go poof into a ball of paradox?

Who's the last person you had a sleepover with?

Your ex wants to hook back up, you do what?
Ask "Where did you come from?"

Are you ashamed of your past?

Last thing that really pissed you off?
Not making it public.

Who was the last person you yelled at?
I don't yell. I think that's part of my problem.

Who were you with Friday night?

What woke you up this morning?
My mom, to tell me my alarm clock was set wrong.

Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
I hope so.

Do you regret anything you have done?

What were you doing at midnight last night?

Have you ever cried from being so mad?
Once or twice.

Who last messaged you?
Rocky, on AIM.

Who last commented you?

Whats your sign?

Who did you go to the mall with last?
My mom and little brother, for lunch last week.

Are you separated from any of your parents?

Do you have any enemies?
Not that I know of.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I don't know.

What does your 5th text message in the inbox say?
"It happens, hon. You don't have to feel like an idiot because of that."

What is the longest you have gone without checking your MySpace?
Almost a year, now.

Miss someone?

Is there someone you want to fight?

How long does it take you to get ready to go out?
About an hour.

What are you doing tonight?

Where's the closest hoodie to you right now?
In my car, downstairs.

What place do you think has the Best French Fries?
The med school's cafeteria. They batter them, and they're spicy and full of death, and I love them.

What do you want right now?
To get a certain phone call.

Who did you last get in an argument with?

Do you think you could live without your cell phone?
Maybe. I'd rather not, though.

What's bothering you at the moment?
Wanting the phone call mentioned above, but knowing it's not coming any time soon.

What should you be doing right now?
Reading for class tomorrow.

You just won the lottery, what do you do?
Call Mike Zabalowie, have him invest it for a guaranteed 6.5% return yearly, and travel around the world after I finish school.

Are any of your friends cheerleaders?
Yes, a few people I'm acquainted with are.

Who was the last person you texted?

Who's the last person to add you to MySpace?
Hell if I know. Haven't dealt with it in almost a year.

What was the last picture you took?
I took a picture of the sunset a couple weeks ago. It came out crappy.

Would you ever dye your hair red?
Probably not.

What did you wear today?
A cheap t-shirt I bought at JC Penny, a sweater I got at the same sale, and a pair of jeans.

When were you last on your phone?
Just now, re-registering my wireless card because Tulane deleted it, for some reason.

Starbucks or Tim Horton's?
Starbucks. I don't live in Canada.

In other news, I should officially be a state judge for the 2008 We the People competition for the state of Louisiana.
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