(no subject)

Feb 22, 2005 17:35

Okay, folks, the HP/Computer geek association (i. e. the_reda and  eruwen310780  (me)) proudly present you:

The Potterverse of Computer Doom

eruwen310780: :-)

eruwen310780: I should try avada kedavra virtually by mouse-pointing someday

eruwen310780: thanks for the notion :-)

reda aka reda: i hope tis not a cordless mouse... they become airborne and hit foreheads to easily

eruwen310780: leaving strange lightning bolt shaped scars?

reda aka reda: LOL

reda aka reda: maybe the dark mark is a bluetooth

eruwen310780: rotflmao!!!!

reda aka reda: wireless lan

eruwen310780: lan party!

eruwen310780: omg!

reda aka reda: and harry's head is a usb2

eruwen310780: weird imagery is invading my mind... i might blame you :-)

reda aka reda: feel free

reda aka reda: lanparty whahahahaha

reda aka reda: the LV-virus

reda aka reda: or more like a troyan

reda aka reda: arg weird fanfic ideas surface

eruwen310780: see

eruwen310780: exactly what i meant

eruwen310780: it would make a good badfic :-)

reda aka reda: and inst there a mail programm called phoenix out?

eruwen310780: oh, yes!!

eruwen310780: yessssss

eruwen310780: we could also use mandrake linux for restoring potions :-)

reda aka reda: worm-tail

reda aka reda: we need help

eruwen310780: serious help

eruwen310780: which reminds me: wasn't the mozilla firefox previously named firebird?

eruwen310780: and of course severus uses spyware........... god, i'm nuts


reda aka reda: the occlumency firewall

eruwen310780: firewall, arrrrggh!!!! *lol* *LOL*

reda aka reda: the Howarts harddrive with the dumbledore OS

reda aka reda: the staff are plug&play devices

eruwen310780: yup. Quidditch pitch and Hagrids Hut are periphery :-)

reda aka reda: Lockhard is ad-ware

eruwen310780: ad-ware... goody

reda aka reda: well voldie is shareware

reda aka reda: crappy code and you still have to pay for it

eruwen310780: *lol*

reda aka reda: Hermione is the paperclip

eruwen310780: and dumbledore uses open office

reda aka reda: lol

reda aka reda: flitwick is winzip

eruwen310780: hi hi!!

eruwen310780: Snapes backstory is Gordian Knot.

eruwen310780: just because of the name

reda aka reda: LOL

reda aka reda: the weasleys are win-service packs

reda aka reda: every time you look there is a new one

eruwen310780: mmhmmm always ocurr in masses and cause terrific mayhem

reda aka reda: yep

reda aka reda: poppy is net-doc

reda aka reda: or the recovery dsk

eruwen310780: and the weasleys get their stuff on ebay

reda aka reda: nae.. freebees.cm

eruwen310780: :-)

eruwen310780: sorting hat is partition magic

reda aka reda: LOL

eruwen310780: the successor of the nimbus 2001 is called nimbus XP

reda aka reda: dudley is windows system folder.... always gettig bigger

eruwen310780: *lol* always getting bigger indeed

reda aka reda: petunia is word

eruwen310780: why's that so?

reda aka reda: freaking annoying but there is no real alternative

eruwen310780: :-)

reda aka reda: Lily is the motherboard

eruwen310780: haha!

eruwen310780: seems I'm out of analogies....

eruwen310780: damn

reda aka reda: well i think there are not a lot of canon charcters left

eruwen310780: malfoy?

eruwen310780: and harry, btw

reda aka reda: malfoy is internet explorer, never sureif evl or not and ipossible to get rid of

eruwen310780: :-)

reda aka reda: harry is a carrier

eruwen310780: pretty self explanatory :-)

reda aka reda: oh ,t he twins are solitaire

reda aka reda: freaking adictive but useless

eruwen310780: but i thought the weasleys are win service packs?

eruwen310780: -- shouldn't contradict ourselves here

reda aka reda: mmh i guess that makes neville solitaaire

eruwen310780: oh, yeah...

eruwen310780: the decree for the restriction of underage sorcery is ratinng software (since I don't use any I don't know a name to put in here)

reda aka reda: i don't use any either

eruwen310780: the dep of mysteries is microsoft headquarters: no one really knows what's going on in there, but somehow it's really important to the story :-)

reda aka reda: yep all you got is a pic of the founders, half of them are dead or lost or insane

eruwen310780: :-)

reda aka reda: as a friend one put it.. i am not sure if i should call you insane or whorship you

eruwen310780: stopping harry's "remedial potions" is the result of a denial of service attack

reda aka reda: LOL

eruwen310780: which could also make harry a sniffer software :-)

reda aka reda: whahahahha

reda aka reda: mmh does that make animagi source changing virus'

eruwen310780: rather the metamorphmagi

reda aka reda: okay, animagi are troyans

eruwen310780: and then of course there are wereworms... not exactly the same as troyans but somehow similar

reda aka reda: more hostile

reda aka reda: most of the minor charcters ae system data

reda aka reda: fanfic is open sorce software

eruwen310780: HAHA!!! bloody brill!

reda aka reda: the sad thing is... how any people will appreciate our effords ;-)

eruwen310780: maybe there are hphumour comms

eruwen310780: geek x-over :-)

reda aka reda: hp-geeks

reda aka reda: whahaha hewlet packard

eruwen310780: :-)

reda aka reda: HELP

eruwen310780: call the ambulance

eruwen310780: the wards are ZoneAlarm

reda aka reda: Pro

eruwen310780: the fidelius charm is the hidden attribute in file properties

reda aka reda: lol

reda aka reda: imperious is a hacker attack

eruwen310780: avada is format C

reda aka reda: LOL

reda aka reda: uniorn blood is ctrl alt del

eruwen310780: and the result is half-life (or what that game is called)

reda aka reda: don't know

reda aka reda: how about the result being... safe mode

eruwen310780: I'm pretty sure it's called half-life

eruwen310780: safe mode is good too

reda aka reda: i need help

eruwen310780: correction: we need help

eruwen310780: oi!

reda aka reda: what aboout  skeeter?

eruwen310780: skeeter could be a LaTeX compiler: whatever the input, the output is somehow related to it but to get the results you want you have to coerce it

reda aka reda: or babblefish

eruwen310780: that's the quick quote quill

reda aka reda: lol

reda aka reda: howarts express is a bus

eruwen310780: and the floo is firewire

reda aka reda: lol

reda aka reda: the 9 3/4 is a hub

eruwen310780: lol

reda aka reda: but i guess I was wrong.. JKR is the admin

eruwen310780: why were you wrong? *can't remember*

reda aka reda: i think we made someon=e else damin

eruwen310780: don't think so

reda aka reda: but she sure is

eruwen310780: beyond doubt

reda aka reda: what does that make us?

reda aka reda: besides insane

eruwen310780: i think insane pretty much sums it up

eruwen310780: we are the META

reda aka reda: *dies*

eruwen310780: no, don't! I need someone to share the blame with :-)

try to make something of it...
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