
Sep 21, 2006 18:59

Today. Today was fun ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

athornontherose September 22 2006, 02:32:34 UTC
Have you been avoiding me?


ervae September 22 2006, 02:53:30 UTC
Urm, no.
I've been busy. -nods-


anonymous September 26 2006, 02:59:02 UTC
Girl, you are a wonderful person. You should live your life to the fullest and not worry about the "right time to find love." Don't go searching for love, let love come to you. Believe it or not, if you get out there, keep yourself busy, and learn to enjoy life...things just tend to work out. Confidence is the sexiest thing a girl can have... You're a sweet person with a bright future...just enjoy life and don't analyze it so much.


ervae September 26 2006, 04:05:11 UTC
Who is this,love?
Thanks muchly though.


anonymous September 26 2006, 11:10:02 UTC
Love is what happens when you try to live life. You will live. And you already loved. So what else can you be worried about? Things have blown over haven't they. I would rather take all the pain a hundred times over with love then to never know how amazing the good side of it is. It is worth it.


ervae September 26 2006, 12:21:30 UTC
Who is this?


anonymous September 27 2006, 23:16:41 UTC
I don't know who I am right now so I can't really tell you. But you used to know a version of me that doesn't exist anymore.


ervae September 27 2006, 23:30:51 UTC
Well, isn't that nice?
Thanks for commenting nonetheless.


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