Well, since there seems to be a lull in communication on my lj, I'll interrupt my normally scheduled long winded updates to pose a question as a discussion point. Does "Talent" really exist and, if so, does such a thing serve as a measure of accomplishment in an area
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Comments 4
I have rarely had a desire to do a project of any type that I was incapable of doing well.
But again - is it that my desire waned or just never sparked because of the lack of inherent "talent" in that area?
Hard to say I think....maybe more research is necessary.........
I do however think that "talent" is something that everyone has in one area or another. Otherwise everyone would be able to be good at anything.
Now, we might be getting into something of a chicken/egg argument. Are people good at what they are passionate about, or passionate about what they are good at. But it makes me wonder where talent fits in to all of that.
end of argument.
NOT everyone can be good at something just because they want to be.
not even with the BEST of beer goggles!
And, I've never gotten a chance to [sic] myself before. Too cool.
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