I've seen a few other blogs mention that
last week sucked. I'm not sure what cosmic forces aligned to cause it, but it was a rough couple of days.
Last Tuesday night I was at the scene when a pedestrian was hit by the truck in front of me. A former EMT who had stopped was talking to the pedestrian and checking for breaks, and she asked me to immobilize the C-Spine until the fireman got there. The pedestrian seemed just badly bruised, but started to get upset when they were loaded into the ambulance. :( I didn't get any calls after I gave the police my story of the happenings, so I never found out if the pedestrian was seriously injured. It was also sad how very happy the fire department was that I had stopped- I wonder how often they hear about people driving around bodies in the road.
Twenty-three hours later I had people in my face when a free political science lecture at the library was full. I was telling latecomers that to cram more people into the room would be a fire hazard when one asswipe cut me off by saying, "I don't care if people could be hurt! Don't you know that I drove here?" And the people standing around him... agreed with him! They drove here! I had to let them in, even if it meant overcrowding, overheating, and who cares about those people in wheelchairs. Sometimes my job makes me wonder what the hell is wrong with people.
In more optimistic news, I'm looking for a new apartment that doesn't cost a bazillion dollars and is in a decent location. It seems like each manager I talk to is willing to sign me on. Don't make minimum salary requirements? We can work around it! I own a pet that isn't allowed in the complex? We can get it approved! Desperate for tenants, yet the rents are still high. One manager seemed to have a hard time understanding that $1450 a month was out of my price range (I wanted to just say, "I'm too poor to live here!"). But I've found a place that's really nice- gated underground parking, elevators, even fireplaces! I'm just waiting to hear back on if I can squeak Mo in and then, hello one bedroom one bath!
My happy thought for the week.