YSI links. Unfortunately I can't direct-link to the download, so you'll have to visit the page and then DL it. Sorry, but so worth it.
Maternity Ward- Art Brut. Sounds Britpop-ish, don't know much about the artist or even remember where I picked it up, but I love the lyrics. Very simple. Sample:
Everything is gonna be alright
Right now it's hard, and we're emotional
But it's gonna be alright
Everything's gonna be alright
Sullivan- Caroline's Spine. Flashback much? I hadn't heard this song since middle school, and I bet a lot of you haven't either. What's the count in Iraq?
Kali-Fornia Uber Alles 21st Century- Jello Biafra with the Melvins. Yet another remake of California Uber Alles, about yet another California governor. Can you guess which one?
Soup Is Good Food- Dead Kennedys. I've been pushing the DKs pretty hard the past couple of weeks, but fuck you if that's a problem. Lyric sample:
We’re sorry
We hate to interrupt
But it’s against the law to jump off this bridge
You’ll just have to kill yourself somewhere else
A tourist might see you
And we wouldn’t want that Sarah you'll love this and it wasn't in the
.zip archive I YSI'd you earlier this week, which I just linked to for anyone who wants a ton of DKs
And finally,
Sfen-v-egvlar - Sigur Ros. Song written in fantastical gibberish: check. Song using sounds no human could possibly name: Check. Song used in a movie I watched while fucked up on Percodan after surgery a few years ago, and therefore blew my mind like no other: Check. I can't begin to explain this song, it's just amazing. I like to put it on repeat when I'm making a long trip, especially at night. I listened to it on my way home from New York this summer, and for a few minutes I felt like I was floating. (It could have been, though, that I was beyond exhausted and had a long long way to drive.)