GDIT, Bell Pointe, why such an awesome tight-knit community? XD
Application hereGame started September 24, 2010
Lightning Farron
Hope's always looked up to Light, and nothing would ever convince him that she's anything other than amazing because to him she's dedicated, caring, and strong. He constantly seeks approval from her, wanting to grow up to be able to protect her, even if he knows that she doesn't need to be protected.
Snow Villiers
Despite vehement denial about actually liking the man, Hope's gotten pretty dependent on Snow's presence, especially in town. Because of their history, he feels comfortable talking to Snow about the stupidest things, although DENY DENY DENY about actually being reliant on that giant of a man.
Sazh Katzroy
Sazh is the one who's always understanding and patient, even with Hope's tantrums and general teenage angst. This means if there's anyone Hope's going to run to in order to complain about... life things. Girls. Always being treated like a kid. He's going to go to Sazh. 8]
Oerba dia Vanille
Vanille's the one who offered comfort when his mom died, so Hope is especially attached to her, and follows her around as well, both out of habit and because she's the type of person to draw people to her. He's particularly fond of her, that much is very obvious.
Oerba yun Fang
While perhaps not as close to her as he would have been to the others, Hope admires Fang greatly for her strength and perseverance. She's a warrior through and through, who he trusts to put family and friends above even the fate of an entire world.
Serah Farron
To be honest, Hope doesn't know what to think of her yet. She's precious to people who are precious to him, and... he only knows her from stories that Light and Snow tell. In their eyes, she's perfect, so he'd try his best to... get along with her. But he's actually scared of her and how now that she's here, he's going to lose the small family that he's built up.
Hope's housemate! Her presence in familiar like Light's, and he's noticed that she has a tendency to stay away as if she were afraid of hurting people from getting close to them, so he goes out of the way to stand next to her or stay with her to make sure she has someone with her if she needed someone.
Claire Redfield
At first he felt guilty and confused when he first talked to her and she started crying, but their relations improved over a common meal (pizza) and small talk. She's nice but seems more than wary when it comes to Wesker, so he won't bring him up.
She was the first person he met in town! She was nice and awesome and stayed with him and knew how to tie ties and he's liable to run complaining to her if anything happens, hoping she can relate.
Hanataro Yamada
Hana claims he's a lot older than Hope, but Hope doesn't quite believe him. However, they're both healers and work at the hospital and Hana knows more about medical practices, soooo...
Wesker heads the hospital, and Hope's supposed to be helping him, although more often than not, he's just exploring the hospital because the other man didn't want to be bothered. But hey, he's a doctor and helps people-- he helped Lisa when Hope called him, so he's a pretty good guy. Just quiet.
They started talking at the Social and continued little conversations afterward over the phone and boggling over Halloween when they all changed for a day. Jaime is nice and easygoing and a lot more approachable than Wesker for sure. Thanks to a certain incident in the snow, Hope also has a sneaking suspicion Jaime's hiding a persona, but he won't say that aloud.
Warden Cousland
He fought with her along with Clare, Ema, and Travis against Hehsebamon the first time, and she was the only one who managed to hurt the man out of everyone. She's strong and... well, he actually finds her antics funny, especially seeing as she doesn't seem used to modern (or in his terms, OLD) technology.
Mixed feelings! Hope's a little irritated since Deadpool claimed he was the one who spiked the punch during the first town Social, but then he actually took the time to come over and help teach Hope how to cook pancakes (after Hope blew up the kitchen). And then he disappeared! But he came back, and Hope glad-- he just wishes the man would be more serious. There's no such thing as a fourth wall, okay?
He reminds Hope a lot of Snow, actually, if Snow hadn't been engaged to Serah. Cocky, overconfident, but somehow dependable in a way that was reassuring. He doesn't quite get the feud between Dante and Lady, but figured he'd just stay out of that.
He's concerned because she's blind, but she seems to be getting along quite well in town, so he's been less concerned lately. Still, if she needed someone to run errands for her, he'd volunteer.
Resident cop, it seems. Hope's a bit miffed that Nikki treats him like a child who doesn't know better, or can't fight to take care of himself. Still, it's enough to see that Nikki's a good guy looking out for people... just a bit overbearing at times. Well, when he's set his sights on Hope.
Arrived in town injured, so Hope went to help him out a bit. They seem to have a few misunderstandings going on, but not bad ones and he was actually the one who found the missing people first, even if he ended up being captured as well, so he gets props for searching thorough in Hope's mind. That means he definitely cares about people just that much.
Ema Skye
She's like a detective! It's fascinating, although everything she said to him might have stuck in his head better if he hadn't been falling asleep at that time. Still, he was glad she was there to make sense of the meager clue he found a few days into the kidnapping arc, and glad she was there with them when they went into the forest.
Is super awesome and nice. She seems a bit distant, but that's normal in a town like this. But she's calm and doesn't get worked up about things, and Hope just feels calmer around her, too. ALSO suspect something is off due to incident in snow, but again... Hope can wait. If it's really important and something he needed to know, he's sure Elaine would tell him.
She is the town baby and that just means it's necessary to spoil her and make sure she's okay all the time, right? Honestly, he'd just like to see her smile, especially because she seems so distant and grave all the time.
She is cool and laid-back and fond and Hope has no defenses against that, okay? None at all. She also claims to be a program and it's cool and she shares that same optimism and want to see things as he does- he only wishes she came earlier because-- going to see the beach under the snow? She would have wanted to as well!
One of those closer to his age, again, but she seems... stilted, almost. Like something is off. He won't say anything about it, but Hope is slightly worried about her, since Miata behaves very much like a child but moves like a warrior. It's not hard to deduce that she's had a hard background.
...He's funny. Hope doesn't understand why he speaks and types strangely (accent? what's that?), but Gavril seems exceptionally cheerful and helpful and likes blogging like his life is an adventure, and Hope thinks it's funny that he calls everyone "comrade". Good vibes.
Fire Lord Azula
He's a little uncomfortable around her, because she wants to go home so much and Hope just... doesn't share that sentiment. Everything he says to her feels fake because of that, and he just... well, he hopes she gets home, too, because she really wants to go. But he doesn't share her desire to go home.
She seems nice enough, although Hope doesn't understand how she seems to think people are expendable. He wants to change that viewpoint someday, but she seems to be here with other people, so at least she has people she knows here?
He kidnapped people (Light) from their homes and then tied them up and showed that on tv before eating parts of them. There is currently nothing he can do to get in Hope's good graces, no matter his intentions for the ritual. Hope is, however, smart enough to not pick a fight with him... or even get in his way. More like... he'll run if he sees him.
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otilu~ =X ♥ ♥ ♥