Title: Homecoming - Book 2 - Twenty-one Guns
solostrightnowRating: R
Disclaimer: I don't own them, just the order the words are strung together in.
Characters/Pairings: luke/noah
Word Count: book 2: 26k plus Total: 60k
Warnings:You are going to have to trust me. Be warned that there is angst. Lots of it. i can't give you more without completely
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Comments 18
I'm happy that Noah decided to take the discharge. I loved the ending although I would have loved to read some sexytimes between the boys because they were long overdue! I just love my Nuke sexytimes!
This was a great story! You should be quite proud of yourself! :)
LOL maybe I'll write a sexy times epilogue. It just didn't fit in the timeline of the story, since Noah left Oakdale before he and Luke had done the deed, storyline-wise.
And thanks, I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.
I'm glad you liked the second half as well as the first.
This story moved me to tears more than once... so poignant and beautifully written with so much heartache but with happy ending.
Loved it!
I was conflicted about Noah as a soldier too, it would have been easy to have him hate it, but I could see how that life would appeal to him, being familiar and giving him control when a lot of things in life are uncontrollable. I felt it worked better that he did like it, got what he needed out of it and grew from the experience. That seems more true to Noah's character than anything else I could have done.
Thank you for being glad I wrote it, that's a great compliment.
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