Welcome! I just have to say that you've got some of the prettiest eyes I've seen; considering I've got a pair just like'm.
Everyone in this community is here to help, if you have questions, if you need support in anything, we're here.
Maybe post stories about times you've felt like you had to cut, and we can help you find a way around it for next time.
Share poetry and favorite lyrics and pictures from time to time! Keep in mind our picture rule... All pictures go behind an lj-cut-- and no fresh wounds!
My screen name for AIM is PolaroidFadeaway, and if you don't have AIM then let me know via comment on what you do have!
Feel free to add me as a friend if you need help, just let me know!
I just reformatted my computer, so I only have MSN at the mo, but my AIM is Fluxional Gem, so if I start talking to you don't freak out because It's me :)
Comments 2
Everyone in this community is here to help, if you have questions, if you need support in anything, we're here.
Maybe post stories about times you've felt like you had to cut, and we can help you find a way around it for next time.
Share poetry and favorite lyrics and pictures from time to time! Keep in mind our picture rule... All pictures go behind an lj-cut-- and no fresh wounds!
My screen name for AIM is PolaroidFadeaway, and if you don't have AIM then let me know via comment on what you do have!
Feel free to add me as a friend if you need help, just let me know!
Again, welcome =)
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