Yesterday I decided I'd whip the kitchen into shape.
I cleaned up a petrified mass of molasses from one cupboard. I sorted utensils. And tossed a lot of junk. I scrubbed shelves. And I shook my head at the sad state of our kitchen. Oy! It was pretty bad.
And the end result? Somehow I think I have a bigger mess than when I started...
Urgh. And I wanted
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I had one wall in the hallway that I didn't paint, I thought we would replace the banister and was going to wait to paint that wall.. a year later, no new banister, old paint. I realized that seeing the unfinished projects every day was really wearing heavy on me.
I took a few days and painted the hallway, painted the old banister, painted the doors and now the hallway is not calling to me all day.
2012 is now my year of finishing!
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