Art. Yes, you read right. Art -_-

Aug 01, 2006 02:07

Characters: Ginny/Luna.
Rating: Uhm, R, I think. Adult, anyway.
Notes: a. Yay, actually finished one of the 700 pics I have been working at. b. Photo ref used. NO, I WASN'T LOOKING AT PORN AND THEN DECIDED TO DRAW. IT WAS THE OTHER WAY 'ROUND. c. will maybe be coloured one day. Maybe. Do not hold your breath. d. not particular big, but I tnought it sucked if it was bigger. Ah, screw that. It still sucks. e. fanart100: 23 lovers. f. Dudes, I have actually finished a drawing O.o note 8 Auguts 2007: both characters are like totes over 18. Totes.

Photobucket is a cunt, so link to DeviantArt
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