Sex is a mutual collaborative effort.
Prostitution isn't, it is one person renting another's body.
Prostitution, by definition, is sex with someone who does not want to have sex with you.
Therefore prostitution is not sex, it is rape.
(Pornography, of course, is just prostitution on camera)
It is not perhaps as harmful as some other forms of rape,
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Comments 10
If a man wants to fuck a woman who doesn't want to have sex with him he wants rape. If a man fucks a woman who doesn't want to have sex with him then he is a rapist.
I just read an article written by a black woman saying that prostitution is slavery. If you are seriously arguing that johns do not know what they are doing when they rape women in prostitution then would you also argue that white people didn't know what they were doing when they bought and sold slaves? Because I don't see the difference. Men KNOW they are enslaving women when they purchase them for sex. That is part of the sexual point. Dominance and rapism are the point of prostitution NOT the unintended, misfortunate byproduct.
Sex and rape are different things yes? One is about, I don't know, connection, pleasure, etc, and one is about power and control.
What I was trying to say is that I think there are men who use porn because they are seeking connection and pleasure, and they end up with the power & control thing.
Pornographers manipulate men's perfectly healthy desires for the connection/pleasure thing and warp them into something sick.
Not all men begin by seeking rape. I don't know if that explains it any better...
Yep, I get you now. Of course, it is not little boys intention to grow up and become rapists but they get mind fucked with movies, porn etc and end up thinking that rape is sex.
It is not perhaps as harmful as some other forms of rape, but the basic feeling of wanting to have sex with someone who does not want to have sex with you is rape-thinking. It is a difference of degree, not kind.Arguably, prostitution is even more harmful than other kinds of rape. After all, these are women who are being raped daily, and who have to deal with the physical and emotional trauma of this constantly ( ... )
Keep in mind that I am for the most part talking about pornography - which is prostitution - and I suppose what I meant is - well, I have used porn and I have therefore contributed to the rape of the women in porn - but I haven't raped a woman in person, and I do see a difference in terms of what I did. Someone who has used porn (in ignorance) I think can be far more easily 'rehabilitated' than someone who has raped in person. I guess that's what I meant
The New York Times reported... that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) was diagnosed in 20 to 30 percent of the Vietnam vets, approximately half of whom suffer long term psychiatric problems. The article also reported that PTSD is found in less than 5 percent of the general population - but is found in two-thirds of prostituted women.
Prostitution is overwhelmingly more traumatic than war. That statistic really shocked me.
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